Anyone gotten a booster shot?

One thing to think about with all of this is not to forget your Flu shots. They are out now at the public pharmacies and have to be spaced out from the COVID vaccines. Just like there is tons of RSV and other kid infections this summer there is likely to be a real flu season this year


Why do they have to be spaced out? And how far apart should they be?

And like the covid vax, the flu shot protection weakens over time. Get it too early, and you won’t have much protection for a late Feb/early March flu outbreak.


Looks like I lied, I just looked it up to confirm the interval; it used to be 14 days but it seems that now the CDC is saying that there is no need for spacing. I am not sure however that pharmacies have updated that and if they will give both at the same time. I am due for my third dose in late September and am not waiting for my practice to get flu shots, will get at CVS this week.

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That may be theoretically true but not getting it at all is the biggest risk and who would have ever thought that we would have hospitals full of babies with RSV in the summer!

Do they not give the RSV vaccine any more? My daughter was part of the testing in 1997/98. She had to have infusions for 5 months each winter. After that study, they invented a one dose vaccine.

I never followed what the kids who came after her got.

I know someone on Rituximab, who was fully vaccinated (Pfizer) and then caught Covid despite being very careful, only going to hospital for infusion, etc. They were sick at home for 2 weeks and then had to go to hospital for a further 4! But they survived.
I think immunocompromised people should be tested for their levels of immunity more often!!

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I took my 3rd shot of Moderna yesterday afternoon. I didn’t have a fever before I went to bed, but I took a Tylenol anyway. I kept on waking up at night because my body felt uncomfortable. It wasn’t until early morning that I had a low grade fever. I took another Tylenol and I feel fine now.
If these are the only side effects then it is easier than my second dose. We’ll see how the day goes.


Interesting article about booster shots - Why A Push For Boosters Could Make The Pandemic Even Worse | WBUR

“Officials at the World Health Organization said Wednesday that it strongly opposes booster shots for all adults in rich countries because the boosters will not help slow down the pandemic. By diverting doses away from unvaccinated people, booster shots will help drive the emergence of more dangerous mutants, the WHO doctors said.”

Vaccine supplies already distributed by the federal government to states or local public health departments, pharmacies, hospitals, etc, are not allowed to be recalled for distribution overseas. Those millions of vials will be discarded if unused


Agreed. Plus the US is sending (and paying for) 500M+ vaccines to other countries, either thru Covax or directly to certain countries.

I do understand WHO’s position, because that’s their role. The US however has to balance the needs of their citizens with the greater global good.


When you mentioned that your aunt and her friends already got their boosters, did they claim they were immunosuppressed/immunocompromised? I know people have gotten 3rd doses here who must have done that, even though they won’t admit it.

RSV in Infants and Young Children | CDC says that “There is no vaccine yet to prevent RSV infection”. (Presuming that they mean generally available, not experimental or trial vaccines.)

The general recommendation is 14 days, although the pharmacy where I got my flu shot said 30 days. Moderna is working on a combo covid/flu vaccine, but it isn’t available yet.

Here’s what I’m wondering. What has the WHO done to expedite storage and distribution of vaccines that require special handling, such as the mRNA vaccines? Anything?


Don’t know, but that’s a good question.

So my doc qualifies me as immuno-compromised but I want to wait a month (I am isolated and careful). That will not be 8 months from my second vaccine. Will they still allow immuno-compromised folks to get a booster even if less than 8 months or will sites check vaccine dates and refuse? Will I need a doctor’s note to get a shot earlier than 8 months after my original shots? Will there be a mechanism for that?

I got the okay from doc yesterday to get one now, but I want it to last long enough for holidays and am in hiding so I am safe right now.

You are probably talking about palivizumab (Synagis). It’s not really a vaccine, more of an immunoprophylactic. It’s an IM injection, not an infusion. It’s use is narrow (more narrow than what it was initially approved for)
in preemies born at less than 32 weeks and/or infants with certain conditions. AAP did recommend infants that qualify receive treatment now, during this atypical (early) RSV season.

You don’t need anything. Go to a pharmacy or large retailer and ask for a booster.

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There was a vaccine made for RSV in the 1960s, but instead of being protective, it actually increased the body’s inflammatory response to RSV infection, leading to worse symptoms and some deaths. Since then, passive immunity via an antibody infusion in the form of Synagis has been developed and used. That was the study your daughter was in. Here’s an interesting report about that failed vaccine. Vaccine failure explained | Nature

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