Anyone gotten a booster shot?

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She is actually due to start infusions as soon as we get the ok from insurance so this is really, really helpful. Thanks!

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If you trust your healthcare provider, please get their opinion or let it hold as much weight if not more than our lovely message board friends here.

If you don’t trust your healthcare provider, please look for a new one.


I trust him completely. But, I’m a worrier.


Update. Last night my arm became sore and by bedtime it was very sore. I woke up this morning with pain in my arm (I no doubt slept on it). Now there is no soreness or tenderness at all. 24 hour!


S3 is receiving immunotherapy and docs wanted him to get the 3rd one as soon as it was approved even though less than 6 months. It seems for immune compromised that it takes 3 to be as effective as 2 for normal folks.


Has she tapered off the steroids with two weeks of no steroids before shot?

I took (low dose) prednisone between shots so I did some research on this and also received info from my rheumatologist.

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She hadn’t been on steroids for years before her first two doses. She just started it 2.5 months ago. She likely had a normal immune response to those first ones. She isn’t able to taper off yet. Needs to wait for infusions to start.

My husband has been developing some bad eczema over the last several months. He just went to the dermatologist for a second visit - doctor suspects one of husband’s (long term)blood pressure meds could have triggered it.

doctor is prescribing Prednisone to help clear it up. We had our second (Moderna) shots on March 6 and he’s 70. I just did some quick research online but I know some of you have been dealing with this all along.

Am I correct that the medication will make him more susceptible to infection and subsequent complications from Covid? We’re pretty careful with masking and social distancing and transmission is relatively low in our area. But if the meds could affect his antibody production
he may need to be be ultra cautious for now, correct? And I assume he should talk to his doctor about the booster.

It depends on the dosage and how long he’s been taking it. I think as long as you are still taking precautions, it’s fine but he should ask his doctor. If he’s considered immune compromised because of the dose, my information is that he should consider the third shot if he can. But, I’m not a medical doctor. :slight_smile:



  1. check with MD, they know him best
  2. depends on dosage and how long on the medication
  3. if had Moderna, probably still ok as they seem to have a better/longer response
  4. eczema usually responds pretty quickly to the prednisone so should be able to get off it quickly and this will not affect his previous vaccines but could affect response to a potential booster in the future so should be off by then to get best response to the booster
  5. obviously check with MD but may need to consider changing the BP medicine if you can find out which one is causing the side effect - if secondary to the BP med the eczema may return and then could be a problem when boosters are needed if you are still on the prednisone

I just realized PA’s state data has “Additional Dose since Aug 13th” as a category after “Fully Covered.” So far in my county more than 550 boosters have been given. In Pittsburgh that number is over 13,000. For the state we’re over 88,500, though almost 1400 of those have come from OOS.

Got my 3rd dose of Pfizer this afternoon. My second shot was mid-Feb. I’m 56 but have an underlying condition and work in a classroom full of 20-year-olds who have chronic mask droop syndrome and are off partying when they’re not in class. I’ve already had several students have to go into isolation/quarantine b/c of positive Covid tests. So I’m happy.

I made the appt. for Fri. p.m. so my functioning wouldn’t be impacted during the workweek. It was at a CVS 10 minutes from my house and was very easy (unlike the first shot). I expect some side effects to kick in tomorrow, but I hope to feel well enough to go to “The Many Saints of Newark” on Sunday afternoon with DH (at a film society that demands proof of vaccination for entry). He got Moderna. In two weeks we are leaving to see my 92-year old dad, so I’m doubly glad I have the booster.


Same thing here for me. Had the Moderna booster (full dose) and the 3rd vaccine was much easier than the 2nd one.


I got my third Pfizer shot on Monday. My second shot was early February, so almost 8 months ago. The fatigue was overwhelming. I slept through most of Tuesday and Wednesday. My armpit was very sore and swollen for 4 days. The injection site is still sore and a little swollen 5 days later.

Denmark just decided yesterday that those who received the J and J can receive an mRNA booster as early as today. My daughter and her fiancé, who live in Denmark, will sign up for the booster.


24 hours post Pfizer booster. My initial series was completed mid February. So far just a sore arm and a little tired, similar to my first two reactions.


I was just interviewed for a Moderna booster + flu vaccine clinical trial, and they said the Moderna was full dose. I wonder if they aren’t reducing it for boosters. If that’s the case it won’t matter when one gets it. If I don’t get selected for the trial in the next couple of weeks I’m going to check the box to get the third dose.


So how are people getting a Moderna booster? I want to get one as soon as I can, but I thought they weren’t available yet. I am over 65 with no underlying conditions. Also, when getting a booster, are they adding the third dose to your vaccine card? H and I are leaving soon on a 2-week road trip. I have a picture of my card on my phone in case I need to show it anywhere, but I’m wondering if I should bring the original along in case the opportunity for a booster should present itself.

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The booster was added to my original card.

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