Anyone gotten a booster shot?

@bouders was your reaction to the second shot similar or was this worse?

They are not technically getting a Moderna booster but rather getting a third dose for immune compromised by self attesting to the condition.

My kid (18 and immunecompromised) just got her 3rd Pfizer and flu shot at the same time yesterday afternoon. We are relieved and thankful. She has lots of arm pain on both sides this morning, a little elevated temperature. It seems to me that the arm pain is worse than her 2nd dose, but fatigue, etc. was better.

They added the third dose to her vaccine card.

@compmom After the first shot, I felt terrible for a couple of days. I was completely fine after the second. So, the third shot was worse than the second, similar to the first.

My H, my mom and I all got our 3rd Pfizer 7 months after our 2nd. Mom and I felt just fine with slight pain at injection site, like 1st 2 shots. H was feeling a bit tired at bedtime, so took 2 Tylenol and was fine the next day, which is better than the exhausted bedbound he was for shots 1&2. I told him he had to stay ahead of the pain and heā€™s now glad he listened!

I am really hoping for a 1/2 dose Moderna booster. If the approval process drags on too long, I think many people will just ago ahead and get the full dose, claiming immunosuppression/compromise.

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Itā€™s such a hard thing to explain to elderly/people who just donā€™t really understand that it is also ok to wait a bit.

My 88 year old mom had Moderna. She keeps thinking she should get the booster cause she is hearing other people are. She is 8 months out later this month. She canā€™t understand why she shouldnā€™t just get the Pfizer booster. She doesnā€™t get why other people are getting it but she canā€™t/shouldnā€™t yet. She got her flu shot yesterday and her doc told her itā€™s ok to wait a bit to see if the booster comes out.

She doesnā€™t have much in the ā€œconditionā€ department (thankfully!) - her biggest risk factor is probably her age. She did some radiation for a couple skin cancer spots during the height of COVID but has been done with that well over a year. She isnā€™t super social with her main activities of the week being the grocery store or she swims at her local Y 2-3 times a week.

I know people are checking the box without warrant and getting the full 3rd Moderna. I donā€™t feel comfortable doing that for her. Makes you wonder if youā€™re making the right decision or not.

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I am surprised her doctor hasnā€™t suggested getting another shot. Being 88 is a pretty big risk factor


I had bloodwork done for another reason last week, and asked them to add on a Covid spike protein antibody test, since I had the booster about 6 weeks ago. Finally, I have mounted an excellent antibody response! I maxed out the test, >25K ā€œarbitrary unitsā€. Hoorayyy!!!


Israel saw a major increase in breakthrough cases at 5 months. Weā€™re seeing the same here in the US. Appropriate to get booster shots now, if itā€™s been 5 months since your last shot. Not only will it help to protect you., it will also help to protect others.

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Iā€™m having a physical and blood work likely before Moderna boosters get approved. Iā€™ll ask for the antibody test also. But reallyā€¦I will get the booster once approved to.

I have a hard time justifying getting it for her based solely on age when there is no Moderna booster and the recommendations are not out there based solely on age.

I am very vaccine supportive - but I donā€™t - at this time - feel like we should jump the line of recommendations.


For all vaccines or just Pfizer?

Looks like all of the news from Israel is about the Pfizer vaccine. The Moderna vaccine is also approved there, but it looks like the Pfizer vaccine is the predominant one there.

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Interesting how doctorsā€™ approaches differ. Some are so eager, others not. Vaccine brand mixing was approved in the US for the immunocompromised already, and both Pfizer and Moderna have approved 3rd shots for that group. In some places, such as the UK and Germany, it is routine to brand mix. SF, of course, approved brand mixing for JJ recipients. Lots of different approaches.

There are not a lot of studies on brand mixing because the vaccine companies want to study their own vaccine, not someone elseā€™s.

Pfizer is probably like a 1/3 dose Moderna (has about 1/3 the amount of mRNA per dose). Moderna and J&J seem to be holding up better with the Delta variant and/or as time passes than Pfizer may be.

So I had my 3rd shot yesterday. Iā€™m running a fever (101), have some chills, and feel a bit tired. Iā€™ve got nothing to do so itā€™s fine. Very similar to side effects from the second Pfizer shot. I expect to feel normal tomorrow.

My mother lives in NJ. Her doctor did blood work on her and found her COVID antibody was low. She wrote a note for my mom to ge a third shot of Moderna and she was able to get it at a major pharmacy.

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DH is in the immunocompromised category and got his 3rd (Moderna) and had the same symptoms as with the second, just more intense. They left as quickly as they came after about 8 hours. Hoping this boosts his immunity.

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I feel comfortable waiting until the booster for Moderna is approved. Iā€™m over 65, but otherwise extremely healthy and I havenā€™t quite hit the six month mark. Iā€™m guessing it will be approved within a month anyway.