Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Just checked CVS and it would let me schedule a (theoretically immunocompromised) third Moderna vaccination at my closest CVS in San Diego. I am seven months from second shot. Plenty of times available. Right now I’m curious about what the recommendation for boosters will be; nothing “risky” coming up in my life so will wait a bit. I anticipate over age 65 will be approved for the 50% Moderna booster soon.

I didn’t have my vax card when I went to CVS for the 3rd dose and the pharmacist said, ‘No problem, roll up your sleeve’.

The online questionnaire appears to be stricter than the in-person experience.

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They wrote the time and date on my card. I need this to attend a shower on weekend. That, or a recent test result

Is the shower in two weeks?

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Yes. I’ve 3 shots. I’ll double check about taking a COVID test. It seems all 3 invitations had something to this effect.

The event requires +1 vaccination (or +1 vaccination in lieu of a recent test result)? As in, Px2, Mx2, or Jx1 is not enough for that event?

Family member in early 30’s pretty sick with 3rd shot. Fever 100 degrees, vomiting, headache. Hoping 24 hours.

FDA panel approves Moderna for a half-dose boost. Needs to go to FDA boss for sign-off.

18-64 with medical issues


Went to the pharmacy for a Shingrix vax, heard they’re doing booming business on both boosters and flu shots. Plenty of vaccine, not enough techs – they’ve got a $1250 signing bonus.

I got both Shingrix and Flu yesterday and feel pretty beaten up today. Mostly because I couldn’t sleep, even though my arms did not hurt. Running a very slight fever.

I plan to wait a couple of weeks for the Moderna booster, but want to get it before Thanksgiving when our son will be on leave from Japan.

I wish there was some clarity about whether he should get some sort of booster, having gotten only the J&J.

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I had my 3rd shot of Pfizer on Friday night, a bit tired on Saturday, but I had a busy day, and I actually felt better the more active I was. A bit of pain in my joints, but no fever or other symptoms of sickness at all, and for me it was definitely a smaller reaction than I had with the 2nd shot, where I felt a bit jet lagged for about 24 hours.


Oh, yikes, I wouldn’t advise getting Shingrix and flu shots at the same time!


Too late for me! I did it this past weekend, figuring I wanted to get them out of the way before the J&J booster becomes available. I had shingles 2 years ago, though, so figured that would mitigate the side effects of Shingrix.

Arm hurt like crazy, but other than that I don’t think I had much of a response. I am lucky in that way. But boy do I never want shingles again.

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That’s what my husband said. He thought he was having a heart attack, the pain from shingles was so intense.

And now we know why we got told not to laminate them.

Yeah, that’s what I hear from a lot of people, which is why I finally went and got mine. I’d meant to pre-pandemic, and then, well. Arm’s a bit sore now, will probably hurt a fair bit tomorrow, but so far not as bad as the flu shot usually does me. Should give me a decent gap before it’s booster time. A thing I really liked about the pharmacy procedure: they got a printout from the state database on every vaccination I’d had in the last decade, what I might be due for, etc.

Next up, Cologard! (Ergh.) Also, in case I’m leaving my job for something without good local dental insurance, I went and looked up individual plans, and what is this with adults buying dental insurance that doesn’t include coverage for root canals, crowns, onlays, etc.? Is this why we’ve got so many tooth-missing GenXers and young Boomers around, they don’t bother finding out what teeth are and what restorative dentistry costs, so they don’t buy the inexpensive insurance or the slightly more expensive insurance that will almost certainly save them thousands? And teeth? I mean yeah, I’m not excited about $60/mo insurance with a waiting period, but I guarantee there are more root canals on the way for this mouth. The ground for this was laid 30 years ago.

This is the whole problem with the voluntary vax thing: people don’t imagine anything bad happening.

It depends on the individual. Last year I got my 2nd Shingrix shot and the flu shot on the same day. The Shingrix arm was sorer, but other than maybe being just a bit fatigued, it was fine.

@mathmom today the FDA’s advisory committee will have a special presentation on mixing covid vaccines, so if you can you might want to listen in. J&J and then Moderna produced the best response, I believe (all the supporting materials for the meeting are on the FDA’s website).

I thought I had acute pancreatitis or liver cancer. It was excruciating, felt like deep organ pain.

Two days later the rash showed up and I have never been so relieved as when I realized I had shingles, not some kind of cancer or organ dysfunction.

I had a friend who almost lost an eye to Shingles five years ago, so I got the less good shingles vaccine then. Had intended to get the better vaccine for years, but my doctor always seemed to be out of it. I figured if I was going to get a reaction to either shot, might as well just get it over with. I got the 65+ version of the flu vaccine which I gather is more likely to produce a reaction. I feel fine today and ready to deal with Moderna booster in early November when I assume it will actually be approved and since I am over 65 (barely!) no issues about jumping lines.