Anyone gotten a booster shot?

It has taken me one week post booster shot to feel well again. I went to my doctor thinking it might be something else. He told me he had other patients also affected really badly by the third shot.

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dental ā€œinsuranceā€ for retirees rarely makes any economic sense. The annual limits are low and copays are high so its hard to receive services in excess of your payments. Most without employer paid coverage pay out of pocket.

The point is to get as much dental work done as you possibly can while covered by employer dental.

Recommendation: Colorectal Cancer: Screening | United States Preventive Services Taskforce (tables at the bottom) indicates that sDNA-FIT every year is slightly more effective than FIT every year, but sDNA-FIT every 3 years is slightly less effective than FIT every year.

However, sDNA-FIT is much more expensive than FIT.

(sDNA-FIT brand name is Cologuard)

Dental expenses are ā€œsmallā€ from an insurance standpoint (i.e. claim processing overhead adds considerable cost over self-pay), and many expenses are fairly predictable (I.e. dental insurance is more like prepaying rather than protection against catastrophic losses). Unfortunately, so many people are living at the edge of personal finance disaster that even what may be ā€œsmallā€ costs from an insurance standpoint are too large for them to self pay as needed.

You can get Shingrix after Zostavax plus some waiting period.

When Shingrix first came out, it was sold out for quite some time due to demand. Now, it should be readily available.

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You seem to be misundertanding me. I got Zostavax years ago, but wanted the more effective shot (Shingrix) which I finally got around to getting two days ago. CVS currently has unlimited supplies of it as far as I could tell.

Almost 48 hours post Pfizer booster and flu shots. Arms very mildly sore but otherwise okay.


Reporting on the FDA advisory panel on the J&J vaccine possible boosters:

From the above linked page:

Other notes from that page indicate that some on the FDA advisory panel think that the J&J vaccine should really be a two-dose instead of one-dose vaccine.

The panel also left open apparently without consensus the question of heterologous (mix-and-match) boosters ā€“ getting a different vaccine from the one you got before.

Poor H is having a rough time after the booster. Iā€™ve just felt tired and have an aching arm with a small lump on it, so not really bothered. H, on the other hand, has had fever and really bad chills, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting.

I worry about Hā€™s blood sugar, but the chills and shaking are what get to him the most. Iā€™ve been putting throw blankets in the dryer to warm them for him. Heā€™s now napping under three.

Despite feeling lousy, which H also experienced after his second shot, heā€™s still glad to have gotten the booster as am I.


With all this confusion and conflicting infoā€¦Iā€™m going to sit this one out for a while. At this point, as a Pfizerite - it would seem logical to get a J&J since the immunity induced by P vs J is different. One spikes antibodies in the short term, the other is showing to create longer term B and T cell immunity.

It all seems like a bit of a ā€˜letā€™s do SOMETHING for the LOVE of DOGā€™ vsā€¦this has really been well thought out.

Self prescribed a quantitative COVID antibody test. Shows active antibodies on the lower end of the scale. (second P jab end of March) Will check back in Decemberā€¦then decide. Give 'em all a bit more time to figure out the party lineā€¦

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Iā€™m almost 8 months out from second Moderna. Waiting on booster approval and will get it once available, which Iā€™m thinking is any day now. Also need Shingrix. Iā€™ve been waiting on that bc wanted to prioritize booster. Is there any reason not to get first Shingrix a week or so after booster?

I got into a Johns Hopkins study for immunocompromised/chronic conditions and will have my antibodies checked before booster, and at intervals afterward. I can share results. My friend, with rheumatoid arthritis, went from 250 to 2500 level two weeks after her booster.

I am still waiting for my shot. I want to be safe for a trip across the country in January for a kidā€™s performance. But I also have to spend time in medical offices with my very old demented mother, even though my own appointments are virtual!


Another pro-booster data point if one is in the group most likely to have problems due to age or health (and possibly date of last vax). I would hope there is more specific data out there on MDHā€™s site than what this news article summarized. FWIW, it also shows the efficacy of the vaccines considering 65% are fully vaccinated (as per NYT) meaning 35% account for 70% of the deaths. Itā€™s hardly 50/50.

30% of deaths among the 65% fully vaccinated (implying 70% of deaths among the other 35%) suggests a vaccine effectiveness against dying of COVID-19 of 77%. However, actual vaccine effectiveness may be different if the populations of the fully vaccinated and others are not similar in things like age, gender, pre-existing medical conditions, exposure, etcā€¦


Iā€™ll be looking for booster Moderna availability this weekā€¦since it looks like that has gotten the green light!

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@thumper1 did you have Moderna for your other two?

FDA web page on the subject:

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I did have Modernaā€¦and I want that for my booster as well.

So for people thinking about boosters, the question is, what is likely to be most protective in the short, medium, and long term? Problem is, there are not a lot of studies on the subject.

(got Px2 initially)
Px2, Mx0.5
Px2, Mx1
Px2, Jx1

(got Mx2 initially)
Mx2, Mx0.5
Mx2, Jx1

(got Jx1 initially)
Jx1, Mx0.5
Jx1, Mx1
Jx2, Mx0.5
Jx2, Mx1

Note that the FDA statement does not mention a recommended waiting period if you get a different vaccine from your previous vaccine (for getting the same vaccine for an additional dose, P and M waiting period for third dose is 6 months, J waiting period for second dose is 2 months).

It also does not specifically say anything about the regular versus half dose M vaccine.