Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I got both the Shingrix and flu vaccines a couple of weeks ago and definitely did not feel great. Shingrix arm hurt more, so I suspect it was the culprit. It wasn’t nearly as bad as my reaction to the second Moderna vaccine however. Actually the worst vaccine reaction I’ve had was to a Yellow Fever vaccine. 104 degree fever and I couldn’t lift my arm over my head.

@Creekland are you planning on doing a third shot with Moderna after first two with Pfizer?

Oh gosh. I’m getting the flu and and Shingrix in a few hours.

I had the first shingrix a few years ago, but could never find a place with the second dose. So, I signed up for the second this morning.

In 2020 I got my 2nd Shingrix and flu vaccines at the same time. My Shingrix arm hurt more (flu vaccine arm hardly at all). I was tired the next day, but that was it. Nothing compared to my 2nd dose of Moderna.

I would consider getting a booster of Pfizer. While I know they have some studies on mixing and matching, those studies were getting the mRNA AFTER J&J. I don’t know that any studies were actually done on getting J&J after 2 doses of mRNA, or any studies on Pfizer booster after 2 Moderna or vice versa. Anyone know?

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Yes, that’s the plan. We all have to choose our group in this pandemic experiment and that’s the group we’re going with at this point in time - well, once it’s officially approved.

Moderna appears stronger and our long hauler son had his year-long symptoms go away completely after his second dose of Moderna. Since I also had a blood-relative uncle who quite likely died of Covid, I have some caution flags waving (in case there’s a genetic component) causing us to want to try to go with most effective. No one need follow our example. Everyone gets to choose their own group. Hopefully the scientists will be taking notes so future generations can know what’s best, assuming Covid sticks around as many predict it will.

In 6 months though, we’re highly considering trying to get Covid IF the science then tells us that vaxxing with a later case seems to provide lifelong immunity. We won’t be getting any younger. We were sort of tempted to try that group now, but we’re at the holidays and don’t want to take even a mild case to FIL - hence opting for the “best booster we think there is” group.

At this point I think a lot of groups can be attractive pending the individual. The only one absolutely known to be bad is the Control group (no vaxes). Why people choose that group stymies me (other than those with real health issues causing their choice).

Then here’s hoping you’re similar to H who had no side effects at all other than a sore arm from his Shingrix shots. We got them at the same time from the same place. I’ll admit to some jealousy back then.

I’ve got to admit that I’m a bit concerned there will be a run on moderna vaccines and they will be hard to find. Since the powers that be are apparently allowing mixing and matching, and moderna appears to offer more protection, why would anyone get one of the others, unless they had an allergy?

H and I both had moderna. He will get his booster ASAP as he is over 65. I’m not quite 6 months out yet but it appears overweight is a qualifying condition (maybe good I didn’t lose those last 5 pounds) so I will be trying to find one in a couple weeks. I hope we don’t have a difficult time finding them.

You have written of your concern for fil many times. Didn’t he go meet buddies for breakfast or lunch pre-vaccination, and doesn’t your (unvaxxed) bil go to see him periodically? Seems as if you care about fil’s health more than he does himself?

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I had Pfizer. I’m undecided about getting a Pfizer booster or a Moderna one. I would love to hear thoughts.

Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are similar, but Moderna has a bigger dose of mRNA*, which may be related to its greater effectiveness against Delta and/or over time and/or in more exposed or vulnerable persons.

*100 or 50 micrograms versus 30.

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Someone in the ACIP (CDC) meeting yesterday representing vaccine administrators was quite concerned re the maintenance of sterility in Moderna vials that would now get twice as many draws per vial with the 1/2 doses.

That’s true for me. I worry more about my dad than he does.


No doubt we do. H knows FIL and BIL have been doing risky behaviors and he could lose his dad over it (at least his dad is vaxxed with Moderna). Nonetheless, he (and therefore all of us in our family) do not want to be the ones taking anything to him - then or now. H said he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he were the cause of his dad’s death.

We have no control over what the others do, but BIL’s behavior especially riles H. FIL would strongly prefer BIL be vaxxed, but won’t put his foot down about visits. There’s hope that the federal mandates will have helped, but I haven’t heard for sure.

Just because others take risks doesn’t mean we have to stoop to their levels. H would have to be the one living with the regrets the rest of his life if it came from us.


We got Pfizer in February. As we think about getting booster at some point I would feel better getting it from medical office and not pharmacy. With child dose / booster dose/ full dose there is room for human error. I trusted more when we got our original vaccine at mega site then when I took my mom for her booster at CVS. The person administering vaccine was telling my mom that there’s no data supporting booster and everyone just guessing at this point.

I just had to put all my vax info into my health chart and upload a pic of my card proving it. They didn’t have it, nor did the state when they checked the state’s system. H and I got ours at CVS back in March/April. We weren’t there on the same specific dates, so I’m gathering a lot of their info never went to the state.

Now I wonder how much undercounting is going on in PA.

Your bil and fil are doing risky behaviors, but I don’t see your doing risky behaviors, so I don’t think you’d be stooping to their level if you weren’t taking the extraordinary measures you seem to be taking before visiting fil.

Realize also that if your fil did get covid, it would probably never be determined exactly where he got it from. Of course, that’s presuming that contact tracing isn’t very effective anymore, which I believe to be the case at least in many places. It’s definitely true where I live.

My mil is vaccinated, but I don’t think she’s being particularly careful. If we were to travel to see her, I wouldn’t do things like quarantine before visiting her, or go out of my way to see that she was protected. She is happy to be around all sorts of people unmasked and assume she is protected because she’s fully vaxxed. I’d be masking, but it would be to protect myself. I’m not willing to go out of my way to protect anyone who doesn’t care enough about themselves to do so (w/the exception of people who don’t have the decisionmaking capability, such as children and compromised adults).

Unless you wear fitted N95 you are protecting other people, not yourself.

I wear N95s (although not medically fitted). I also maintain distance from people as much as I can. I’m able to maintain a pretty safe existence, I think. I don’t go to crowded stores, church, or to gatherings of people outside of my household, because my area has plenty of covidiots.

I have an N95 approved by the Masknerd, and think it protects me pretty well. If no other mask than a medically fitted N95 did anything, then no one would be wearing any masks at all unless they were medically fitted N95s.

I don’t believe that I am not protecting myself.

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Just scheduled my Moderna booster at our local CVS for next week (after our anniversary dinner out). There were tons of appointments available. The closest store to me had only Moderna; the next two closest had only Pfizer. The form asks if you’re requesting a booster shot or a third dose, so presumably they will be at 50%. I will call ahead of time and check. The form also had about 10 questions about if I’d ever had severe reactions to vaccines or had certain conditions.

If UCSD (who did my first two) gets its scheduling for the booster set up in the next week, I may switch my appointment to them.

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I just looked Walgreen’s in my mom’s city and it seems to show appts to get a Moderna BOOSTER (asked if you were interested in booster or full dose) today, tomorrow, any day…

Is this correct that Moderna BOOSTERS are available? And all the CDC/FDA is worked out now? She is 88 so def qualifies. I’ll be in her town tomorrow and am thinking I should schedule…


You make it sound like it’s a difficult thing, but for us it isn’t.

In our non-FIL post vax life we eat in restaurants, travel, watch movies in theaters (2 now), grocery shop indoors, visit medical lad, host friends of ours and our kids occasionally, interact with neighbors (most of whom are probably unvaxxed), and even had non-vaxxed nephew just stay with us for 2 days. We could pick up Covid somewhere along the lines.

We have no problem stopping it all for 7 days (or so) prior to visiting FIL, just in case. We have our farm and can get work done on it. We have TV shows to catch up on. H works remotely so keeps right on working. I usually have to catch up on newspapers and mail that’s piled up from our last trip. And if all else fails, I could clean the house - haven’t had to go down to that level just yet (beyond dishes and laundry, etc).

It’s not a major effort at all, so why not do it for the peace of mind?

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