Anyone gotten a booster shot?

My kiddo, who has a chronic condition, got very sick after the second Moderna. We’re waiting until she’s home for break to do the booster so she’s not alone, which was a stress party here for us.


@Nrdsb4 If one can believe what one reads, flying should be ok with the air circulation. As GD will wear a mask in the airport, and while not sleeping, hopefully all will be safe; no one wants a 2 year old to sleep with their face covered, it isn’t safe. As 2 year olds can not be vaccinated, my D wanted to make sure she and SIL received their boosters before making the trip; this was for their own protection and the grandparents. All 3 will test before departing the US, as well upon arrival and a couple of other times.

@compmom Not sure if they will have their own row, but assume so, unless they are on a larger plane with 5 in the center. GD has her own seat as she is over 2.


Is the rule on the planes not that if you are 2 and over you must be masked the entire flight? I heard them announce it several times but I did not pay attention as it did not apply to me. They do not make exceptions when you are sleeping. Might want to have them check with the airline before they take off as they can be sticklers for the rules.

correct. Per federal rules, all passengers 2 and over must wear a mask for the duration of the flight.


My niece and her H had their baby (under 1) masked the entire time they were in transit, for baby’s protection.

DH, son, GF, and I got Moderna boosters yesterday AM (Moderna first time around, too). So far, so good. Just mild soreness at the jab site.

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Babies under 1 or 2 should not be masked. They have smaller airways making it more difficult for them to breathe. They can suffocate and because they can’t communicate they have no way of letting you know they are struggling.


Baby’s parents are both doctors who keep an eye on baby. He’s able to remove the mask if it is bothering him.

Very glad that the baby is safe and being closely watched by the Dr. parents. But posting this here could be misconstrued, when in actuality it is misinformation. There is a reason the mandate is two and up. That reason is, as stated above, smaller airways restricting breathing with a mask on. And while many baby’s can pull the mask off, and do, the parents immediately shove it back on their face because the baby can’t inform them that they are struggling to breathe. Of course it is the parents choice but the fact is , it is not recommended to mask a child under the age of 2.


Ok. I am not sure what I’d do if I had a baby 2 or younger. It’s a tough call but I would be very careful. Probably I’d stay a hermit when the baby. I have read the national guidelines and do agree that they say 2 and older mask and under 2 don’t.

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This child IS over two years old. Don’t most (all?) airlines require masks for children 2 and older?


I got my booster tonight -woohoo! H got his last week. We wanted to get boosted before visiting his mom in her assisted living facility later this week.


Doesn’t it take two weeks to take effect? Want to know for myself.

it starts ‘taking effect’ within hours, but requires ~2 weeks average for full protection.

The body starts to make antibodies relatively quickly, and the number increases over the course of two weeks. My doctor checked my antibodies last week when I went for my physical, and my antibodies were pretty high … but she recommended the booster, because she said she’s seen much higher levels in some patients. I am just glad to have any additional protection. I am mainly concerned about not getting Covid because I babysit my granddaughter. I also worry about bringing anything into the assisted living facility - a resident died of Covid last month, and I certainly don’t want to be the cause of the next case. I do go out in public, although I am very careful. Unfortunately, my state has a really high number of Covid cases - climbing steadily - so I want to minimize risk to the extent reasonably possible.


How did your doc check your antibodies?

She included an antibody test with the other bloodwork she was doing. There isn’t any evidence of a particular level being “good,” but she looks at relative levels. I have an autoimmune issue that doesn’t put me at additional risk, but it might affect my body’s response to immunization. She said that she has some patients who have very low antibody levels even after immunization, and that is important information for counseling them regarding the importance of taking precautions.

The different vaccines do tend to have different antibody responses (Moderna > Pfizer > J&J). But someone who has very low (or no) antibodies detected may be concerned.

Of course, antibodies are not the only aspect of immune response.

There’s so much we don’t know about Covid. I’m grateful for any information that gives some insight. But mostly, I’m grateful to be vaccinated.


Don’t know where I read it, but I believe it might be something like 7-8 days for antibodies to get high again after a booster shot.