Anyone gotten a booster shot?

A couple of studies that may help.

The authors explain: “In this study, we estimated effectiveness starting from day 7 after the third dose, which is similar to the period used to define full vaccination after the second dose. Our choice is supported by high concentrations of antibodies in individuals 7 days after administration of the third dose.”

“We found that 7–13 days after the booster shot there is a 48–68 percent reduction in the odds of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection, and that 14–20 days after the booster the marginal effectiveness increases to 70–84 percent,” the researchers from Maccabi Healthcare Services reported.

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Note that the 7 day after vaccination criterion is from Israel. A more conservative 14 day after vaccination criterion is used in the US.

That is probably overthinking on my part. DD is planning to have booster today and she also wants to have keratin treatment on her hair today or tomorrow. Did anyone see any reports if hair treatment can interfere with covid vaccine?

I didn’t have any issues other than a sore arm & a rash after my first two vaccines. I had my booster yesterday and oh, man. Everything aches, my throat is a little sore & I have a nonstop headache. I expect that I will be fine tomorrow, and I consider it worth it … but glad I didn’t have a lot to do today!!

We talked with medical lad again yesterday. He’s currently working in the ICU with various patients, including Covid, in there. He said treating Covid has become really routine now and explained the step by step (which there’s no way I could commit to memory). He also said they’ve only had one fully vaccinated person in the ICU and that person also was immunocompromised so they don’t think the vaxxes worked unfortunately.

Then he said pretty much everyone tells him they wished they had chosen to get vaccinated and that people should tell everyone what goes on in the ICU. It had us both wondering how in the world they’ve reached this stage and don’t know or haven’t heard. So many people must be in news deserts. Those who survive tell him they plan to go home and tell everyone they know at least. Even with all the meds now, not all survive.

Then he tells us of some other patients who aren’t in for Covid and aren’t vaccinated. The doctors always suggest they get vaccinated, but few do. Their minds are already set. It’s too bad they can’t take them to other rooms so the Covid folks who aren’t on ventilators can talk with them - or let them see the Covid folks on ventilators.


Received mine today, and got a flu shot at the same time. I guess I’ll see how I feel tomorrow.

> Yes, you can get a COVID-19 vaccine and a flu vaccine at the same time

Booster update: I was feeling fine Saturday night after receiving it (a bit tired) and early Sunday morning. By mid-morning Sunday I had a splitting headache that nothing was helping. I actually went to bed at 6 p.m. hoping to sleep it off. I did not have that kind of reaction with the first two, aside from being a bit tired, so that was surprising. The next morning I was fine. I’ve not have Covid to my knowledge.

Received the Pfizer booster Saturday afternoon. Sore arm almost immediately. By Sunday afternoon I had chills and a bit of nausea. A bigger reaction than to #2.

The concerning part…my resting heart rate went from the low to mid 70’s to the mid 80s and didn’t normalize until Tuesday afternoon. The techniques that work when I’m anxious - yogic breathing, bi-aural beat music, a long walk with the dog on our favorite trail, certain exercise moves…nothing helped. It was starting to concern me. Luckily it’s all settle down now. But it will make me VERY cautious going forward.

Oddly…a headache I’d had on and off for a few days prior to #3 went away several hours after the injection.

This will often happen whenever your body is combatting something if I’m recalling my health lessons correctly. It’s perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

ETA: Why Is My Heartbeat Faster When I’m Sick? | Banner Health

Not yet peer reviewed, but:

A resting heart rate in the mid 80s is still well within the normal range and shouldn’t cause any problems as long as it regular in rhythm.

A resting heart rate in the mid 80’s is not normal for ME. I do not recall having this side effect from any other vaccine. And in the last few years I’ve the the Shingrex, DTaP, a MMR booster and an occasional flu shot. Never had a racing heart.

My sister had the same response to her Moderna - 1st and 2nd shots.

Not sure what the recommendation will be in terms of future boosters, but maybe next time you get a covid vaccine you could get your doctor to put you on a holter monitor to see if anything besides an increased heart rate is going on.

I wore one during a really stressful time when I was noticing lots of heart racing (heart rate in mid 100s) and blips and pauses. You carry it around like a purse and they watch it for 24 hours. When you feel a palpitation or fast rate you hit a button and they examine what was going on during that time.

My heart rate was in the 90s for 2+ days after my second Moderna shot and my usual resting rate is low 60s. I found it very disturbing as well as I’d never had a similar reaction to any prior vaccine.

Though dietz199’s symptoms occurred after Pfizer, the study linked by Creekland says this side effect is more common with Moderna. I was planning to get a Moderna shot the next time I get a booster. I’m susceptible to palpitations more than the average person, so I wonder if that would happen to me with Moderna. Increased rate doesn’t bother me as much as the palpitations. Then I get nervous about them, which probably makes them worse.

Did you have an increased temperature as well?

Yes I had chills, high fever, body aches….the full smorgasbord of symptoms. I also have a few cousins that had COVID last year/beginning of this year and some of them had tachycardia during their illness…for a couple it was almost their only symptom…maybe the vaccine illicits a slightly less severe reaction in some people? I suffer from palpitations as well (can be nerve wracking I agree), fortunately they didn’t seem worse during my post vaccine elevated heart rate.

Most people who have a high fever will have accompanying tachycardia, or at least an elevated heart rate.

With my Pfizer booster, I had body aches but no fever and chills, thank goodness. If my heart rate was elevated, I wasn’t aware of it, but I didn’t check it either. Will do so next time just out of curiosity.

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If you had chills, you may have been feverish, which may be related to a higher resting heart rate.

I have not seen that on any vaccine where I did not have chills or fever afterward (including COVID-19 vaccine as well as flu and Tdap). But I was not tracking resting heart rate until recently, so I have no information on Shingrix, when I did have some slight chills afterward.

I did have an elevated resting heart rate for a few days some months ago, but that was when I eventually had chills and fever.

22 hours later. Modena arm is slightly more sore than the flu arm, but that’s about it. Resting heart rate still right around 60, as normal.

I wonder whether the Modena booster only being a 1/2 dose makes a difference.

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I registered to get a Moderna booster next week! While not looking forward to the experience, I’m really, really looking forward to feeling safer (I will be 65 in May and live in a community with a below-50%vaccination rate among adults). Prior to last week I thought I might have to wait a while and now that It has been seven months since my 2nd shot I’m starting to get nervous in the grocery store, etc.

Glad to read others’ experiences with Moderna booster symptoms beforehand (my first two were also Moderna) so I will be braced and not too alarmed at any heart rate increases. I had not heard of that happening. Normally my resting rate upon waking is mid-to high fifties so I do have some wiggle room at least.


Son in Seattle got official notification of eligibility of booster shot. He is just edging six months post second Pfizer vaccination so will wait until after his visit here next week for the booster. Next question will be Pfizer or Moderna - he’ll likely stick with Pfizer since it’s known reactions for him.