Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Well, tried again to book my booster shot. Only eligible after the 10th - all the appointments I had seen earlier for that day or the 11th were gone. I could get Moderna on the 13th, but did find an appointment to get Pfizer on the 16th. A little late at night but I think it should work. The CVS site could definitely use some work - it shows locations that have appointments available, but when you try to get the times for each location, most often it lists no appointments available. Frustrating.

I heard last night that 2 million shots were adminstered yesterday (or was it day before?). That makes me happy. I am sorry that some of you are having a hard time scheduling the booster, but the fact that there is so much demand is encouraging.


Have you tried your medical provider group (where you get primary care) and other pharmacies?

H and I got our boosters last Saturday at our local pharmacy. The appointments were made 10 days out. We had just become eligible in California, but the pharmacy had not updated their website to allow everyone to make appointments. I said we were essential workers to get the appointments. When we got the boosters we were eligible.

You should try multiple pharmacies in your area or see if there are any county run mass vaccination sites you can get your booster at.

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DH got a walk in appointment for Moderna booster this morning (previous 2 were Pfizer).

Iā€™m happy because I figured Iā€™d need to nag him, and I hate nagging. We are attending a concert in 3 weeks, and I was starting to worry about him given the new variant and the up and down nature of infections during the holidays.


@melvin123 - i had that too on day two after booster with the knee pain - at one point i had to actually check to make sure there were no glass shards in my knee or jeans. OUCH!

and - have been volunteering (but now getting paid) at friendā€™s family pharmacy. they are swamped. Had a new 1st time adult the other day!! 99% are boosters and kids. In our circle of friends, they are asking for our college kids to come help. Its Nuts there. (but kind of fun).

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I got my booster this morning - Pfizer, same as my original vaccine. I booked my appointment online with CVS the week prior to Thanksgiving week. Though they had sooner appointments available, for a variety of reasons, I needed to wait. I actually was doublebooked at one point - my original appt was supposed to be Tuesday, but then I had tentative surgery scheduled for that day. I was surprised that I was able to book a second appointment for myself without canceling the first one. I held onto the first one until I knew for sure my surgery was definite. I did cancel my first appointment a few days prior though so hopefully that made someone happy and able to get their booster sooner.

Has anyone heard any recent reports as to when 16-17 y/os will be eligible for boosters? My daughter got her original Pfizer vaccine in March/April when I did so from a time standpoint, she is due. I heard maybe a week ago that Pfizer was encouraging FDA to add this age group to the eligible list but havenā€™t heard any update.


I mentioned that my son had gotten an appointment at CVS and that there were many time slots available. Appointment was for 5:00 today. He got an email at noon canceling his appointment (maybe due to weather, maybe due to vaccine supply, maybe due to something else)ā€¦ His GF has an appointment at a different CVS at 6 p.m. - he is going to go with her and see if he can get one, too. Fingers crossed!

I had a booster at CVS and I also received a cancellation text. I called CVS and they said I was still in their system- they didnā€™t know why I received the text.

I just returned from my booster shot appointment. Since I didnā€™t have any adverse reactions to the first 2 doses, I was able to skip the 15 minute waiting period.


Both my spouse and I received our boosters last Wednesday. Easy process no adverse reactions.

My son and his girlfriend who are both fully vaccinated and had stayed with us over the weekend both tested positive on Friday. He has postponed his booster scheduled for tomorrow.

Thankfully both have not experienced symptoms (tests were required for a work event). Quarantined and getting very tired of Netflix.

So far spouse and I are fine. Somewhat perplexed and exhausted by this illness!!

Update on my son whose CVS booster appointment was canceled: He tried to go with his girlfriend to a different CVS, but they werenā€™t accepting walk-ins. He tried Walgreens with the same result. A nice woman overheard his conversation with the pharmacist and told him to try Walmart, where he was able to walk in and finally get his booster.

He reported a slight headache the next day, while his girlfriend had aches and pains. Both fine today.


I receive mine (Moderna) this past Monday. Given it was a half dose booster, I did not expect to have any (much) side-effect and I was happy when 18hrs post shot, I was still feeling good. Alas, 18hrs and 15m post shot, the dreaded side effect kicked in, and I spent 24hrs in bed!

I was a CVS walk in and 5pm last Monday evening


Got a Moderna booster this past week after having Pfizer for the original 2 shots. Chose Moderna for the booster because studies are showing it to be slightly more effective. Did not have any reactions to the original 2 shots, but 24 hours after the booster I had a fever for about 24 hours. Fever never got very high, but like someone else wrote, I had crazy shakes in the middle of the night. No headaches or body aches, so was never concerned about the reaction. Son had similar reaction to the booster and spouse had none (surprisingly).

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I had a Pfizer booster on Friday, after having Pfizer for my initial vaccine. Other than a sore arm for about 12 hours, I had no other side effects fortunately.

We all stayed the entire 15 minutes after booster, even tho mom and I had no reaction to our shots 1&2. Itā€™s a short wait and better safe than sorry, imho. We were provided chairs and everyone (the others who got their shots too) was good about waiting 15 minutes.

To be honest, when I has my booster at my local grocery storeā€™s pharmacy, there was no mention of waiting, and I didnā€™t even think about it. There is one chair behind a divider for injection, but no where else to sit. I had my booster and left.


I sat in my car after the first shot. I think I did a little shopping after the second shot. I just went home after the third. I felt like sitting in the CVS was just extra exposure I did not need.


A very long thread. Just curious, everyone is getting a booster due to waning of the effectiveness of the initial vaccines? And you have to be 6 months from being considered fully vaccinated before you can get a booster?

How long do you think this booster will last? Is this also a 6 month period?

Just trying to figure this out. Everyone in our house tested positive for Covid the days before Thanksgiving. DH and 4 yr old were not vaccinated. All others have been vaccinated and oldest DD had her second Covid shot in September. I and younger DD fully vaccinated as of July. Son was fully vaccinated as of March.

Speaking with my brother at Thanksgiving, and they are also seeing a lot of breakthrough cases in his wifeā€™s family. They havenā€™t seen many of them in months. All were fully vaccinated, various time frames as well.

Does actually contracting the disease offer any more protection? Would contracting the disease allow for earlier boosters?

Anyone have good link? So much to wade through.

Boosters are 6 months after the second shot for those who received one of the mRNA vaccines (sooner if immunocompromised). For those who received JNJ, they should get another shot 2 months after their initial vaccine.

For those who have recently had a breakthrough covid case, you should talk with your doctor, they may have you wait 90 days to get boostedā€¦or maybe not as Omicron looks to be infecting a relatively high proportion of people who have already had covid.

Beyond your doctorā€™s advice, just stick with the CDC site for information.