Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I just checked our local cvs stores. They’re available tomorrow at all locations though some have Pfizer and some moderna. The fewest number of time slots available was 2 for tomorrow and some had 20 or so.

My son will have to go on the UW wait list but didn’t want to do it when he’s about to travel here. We will skip the ER route, thanks anyway;).

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I just checked. There are still plenty available around me from tomorrow on.

Our county has a fairly low vax rate, so it’s no surprise they have a low booster rate.

I’m still getting practically daily prayer chain requests that include people with Covid, both hospitalized and not - with major recovery issues for some. I had hoped it would mean more would opt to get vaccinated. Now I’m not sure if it’s making a difference or not. This church is in the next county over at least.

Received Pfizer booster (after two doses of Pfizer) yesterday. I must have gotten lucky and found a cancelled slot.
After the second dose, I had a minor reaction with mild fever, local soreness, chill and tiredness. However, this time, I didn’t have much of anything! I am not sure if that’s because —
A) the pharmacist was an expert in giving shots (no pain at all at the contact, so I even doubted if he injected nothing), or
B) I received the shot on my right arm (my dominant) for the very first time. I read somewhere that it might help to relieve the possible soreness.
C) took Advil as soon as I came home, before going to bed and next morning
D) pure luck

PS I received a Shingles vaccine in October. That was the worst shot!

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I got my flu shot, Covid booster (Pfizer after Moderna), and second Shingrex shot three Mondays in a row a few weeks back. A little sleepy the day after Covid booster but that was all.

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Boosters are easily available here in SC. The first place I checked had 50 open slots tomorrow. The hospital also has a vaccine tent in the parking lot accepting walk ins.

Another vaccine touristy roadtrip for us to visit the favorite bubblies winery? Hmmm… that is a consideration, but the passes might be ugly this time of the year.

I wasn’t able to schedule an appointment online before December 6, but got the booster today at a pop-up walk-in site.


I just checked local availability. Walgreens is scheduling for Dec 15 in my area, but there was plenty available on that date. Nothing sooner.

Checked CVS for a booster shot. I am due for one only after Dec 10th - and if I book now, I can get a slot for right after the 10th. But CVS won’t let me book now - I am not eligible until the 10th. Should I go ahead and put in a different date so CVS will let me book the shot? I am concerned that if I wait until the 10th, I won’t be able to find one near me before the holidays.

I’d be inclined to. It’s a programming error on their part.


If anyone is having difficulty getting a vaccine, see if your state has a Vaccine Angels group, I help out with one in NY and Ct. : 'Vaccine Angels' Are Helping People Book COVID Shots
DH and I received our boosters in FL. Widely available in chain and local pharmacies. Other than slightly sore arms, no side effects. My initial series was Pfizer and the third shot was Moderna. DH stayed with Moderna for all 3 shots. DS and DD both had 1 shot J&J and their boosters were Moderna. Widely available in NC and CT.
NY and CT have widely available vaccines at state sponsored sites as well as pharmacies. MIL had 2 J&J shots, couldn’t convince her to have a booster of Moderna instead.



Most of my friends who are vaccinated have gotten boostered if eligible time-wise. My Mom got hers out of the blue by stopping at the pharmacy and asking how to schedule one. They fit her in right then. My husband and I have gotten ours and our college aged daughter got hers when she was home for Thanksgiving Break. She said most of her friends at school have gotten their as well.


Spouse got her Pfizer booster at one CVS today and I got my Moderna at the other CVS cross town. Appointments made last Tuesday right around 7 months since 2nd shot of original vaccine.

No reactions for either of us so far thankfully. We both noted they may have used a smaller gauge needle because truly painless this time.

The entire process very orderly with people moving through in 10 minute increments.

All seemed pretty light hearted until we exited the second parking lot and drove by our local assisted living home that reported loosing 27 residents at the peak.

Reason for wanting her to get a Moderna booster?

From what I have read, there is a benefit to adding a mRNA vaccine with a possible increased immune response. Not sure anyone is actually certain as studies seem to contradict each other.

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Got my booster yesterday morning. Have gotten Moderna all the way. The first two were not bad, some soreness, 2-day headache and felt a little weird with the second shot but nothing terrible. This time? Nothing. If I didn’t feel a little soreness on my arm to the touch, I wouldn’t know I had had a shot. Last night I felt a a little pressure in the head but not enough to call it a headache. That was gone this morning. I checked my pulse and it was maybe 3 or four beats per minute higher than usual. I hope I got an immune response! I spent the day (unseasonably warm) digging holes and putting the last of my daffodils in the ground!


I received a booster a couple of weeks ago. Original shots were Pfizer, booster was Moderna. With shot 1 I had aches around 8pm on day of shot, so I went to bed and was fine the next day. With shot 2 I had no adverse reaction. With the booster I had muscle aches the day after, but for a whole week I had pain in my knees when walking down stairs. It felt like someone was jabbing an ice pick under my kneecaps. Thankfully that stopped after a week.

My sister had Moderna for all 3. She received her booster 2-3 months ago and has swelling from her arm up to her jawline on the side where she received the booster. She was told the swelling should subside sometime within 6 months. But she’s still grateful she received the shot.

Is your sister immunosuppressed/immunocompromised? Your sister got what was being called (at the time; don’t know about now) a 3rd dose rather than a booster shot because it was full dose and not half dose like the boosters are.