Anyone gotten a booster shot?

I don’t know even one person who has had a breakthrough case. Weird how different each person’s experiences can be.


Cornell had close to universal vaccination and now has 900 covid cases, so we can expect a lot of breakthru cases


I would be interested to know how many of those 900 have had booster shots and if they are being infected with Delta or Omicron.

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Cornell said some of both delta and omicron were found, and some had boosters as well but didn’t release numbers


Boosters seem to restore the amount of antibodies in a laboratory study, according to Pfizer, but the real world data so far don’t seem to confirm that they are as effective at preventing infection as the lab study suggested.

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NYS is back to requiring masks, and colleges (public and private) are requiring boosters before students and employees return for spring. The colleges have testing for those who can’t be immunized.

Our doctor recommends getting the same brand as the 1st two shots). There are more Moderna appointments available in our area than Pfizer, and spots are going quickly. The earliest availability for some places is mid-January.

Do the OTC tests pick up Delta and Omicron? Or are they just formulated for Delta since Omicron didn’t exist when they were manufactured?

@austinmshauri is it mandated by NYS that all private colleges will require a booster? My son goes to a private college in NY but they have not made that announcement yet. My son will get his booster when he gets home this weekend but just wanted to clarify whether it is actually mandated by the state for all colleges.

Same here. I wonder when it’s larger groups (families, etc) in the same region if something went on in the handling of the vaxxes making them less potent or if there’s something genetic making them less effective in family lines. I wonder the genetic part when several members of a family line have bad cases or die too.

Hopefully the vaxxes will still continue to reduce severity across variants.

Families all getting COVID-19 (breakthrough or otherwise) could be due to living together and spending time indoors together.

I do know of a family who all got it. But no one at an outdoor activity that one of them was at shortly prior to symptoms got it.

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I don’t think it is. S22 takes DE classes in a private NY college and didn’t receive any notification regarding boosters.

And of course daycare kids can’t be vaccinated, so if they’re the vectors, even if they don’t produce as much as grown men, they’re still more or less continually around.

Yet, family members don’t always get it from one another. My long hauler’s wife didn’t get it and they were living together through it all. That’s what got me wondering about genetics. It’s possible she was asymptomatic though. They didn’t have tests for young folks then. His was “diagnosed” via x-ray.

Asymptomatic vs long hauler could also have a genetic aspect I would think.

We did Moderna after Pfizer by choice before Omicron showed up. It should still be fine as it is an mRNA vaccine.

Here too appointments are hard to come. Keep checking for cancellations. Yesterday, I was able to get today’s appointment for S22 (who is 17 and needs Pfizer) when a cancellation at the CVS system appeared.

No one here seems to be interested in the J&J as a booster, even though it may do better at stimulating CD8+ killer T-cells that may help more than increased antibodies that are not as well matched to Omicron. Why is that?

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I think the answer is that people base their decision on the current studies, what one reads on the news, and what the current recommendations are. Most of the news is about 3 doses of Pfizer or 2 doses of Astra Zeneca followed by Pfizer.

It would be great to have a real life comparison (based on the population not only lab studies) to see what works best, but Omicron with its extreme exponential growth doesn’t leave time for that. Given the situation it is better to get something now (as it takes a bit to take full effect) and increase one’s protection than to wait for conclusive results.

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When I made appointments for myself and my son I had my choice of moderna or Pfizer. I never saw any availability for J&J. Is that even available given all the production problems they were having for awhile?

I got a J&J booster easily at a medical office which offered all three.

It’d be interesting if CDC tracks breakthrough cases among boosted to see which booster actually performs better against Omicron, but I doubt it does.

I had hoped all NYS colleges would require a booster but it looks like it’s being left up to the colleges. There’s a list here that lists colleges by state. Those marked with a ‘B’ require a booster.

J&J doesn’t seem to be doing as well IRL (pre-booster) and for those opposed to the stem cell line, J&J was “all in.”

Those I know who got it in the first place mostly wanted 1 and done for shots. Boosters are 1 regardless of which one you get.

And as stated by one person, J&J is the only one the CDC linked deaths too, so however minute, they wanted something else. Personally, I’m not sure that one is still true, but I’m also short of time so assuming someone on here can update if it’s not vs me trying to hunt it down. What I posted is what I heard - not a statement I’m making.

For us, we went Pfizer → Moderna because it seemed to be showing the best IRL for protection with antibodies.

We keep watch on all of them for what we “think” will be best if we need another down the road. All 3 are available here.