Anyone gotten a booster shot?

However, J&J was probably better per dose, being considered good enough at one dose (although it probably should have been or had the option of two doses for better protection from the beginning), unlike the others. Boosters are only one dose, rather than a full series.

Most people I know who got J&J initially got it because it was what was available to them (same with Pfizer or Moderna). I.e. most people I know did not have a choice of which one to get. Of course, most people I know wanted vaccine as soon as possible, rather than waiting until June to have a choice of vaccines.

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Back to Moderna

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deleted for privacy reasons


Is anyone choosing a Pfizer booster for their son after 2 Moderna doses? My PCP and cardiologist both recommended it because of the myocarditis issue.

Doesn’t Pfizer also have the rare myocarditis issue in young men?

He can choose J&J Instead to avoid that. (The rare blood clot issue was found in young women, not men.)

They do. From my conversations with both doctors they prefer the mRNA vaccines and Pfizer has a lower incidence vs. Moderna. I’m wondering if that may correlate to the lower overall dose of Pfizer? My preference was to wait a bit for information regarding booster side effects but we are traveling after Christmas and now that omicron has appeared I feel like a booster is more important.

I believe there were more cases of myocarditis after Moderna, but I suspect that was because there was so much more vaccine in each dose. Even at half-dose for the booster, it is still more than a Pfizer dose.

I know of a lot of break through cases- and not people related. My niece, a nurse, had covid April ‘20, fully vaxxed Feb ‘21, infected again mid November. Lots of friends with breakthrough infections as well. Most people I know are going about their lives- working, volunteering, traveling and socializing. Our state still has a mask mandate and people comply with it for the most part.
All of the breakthrough cases I’ve heard of have been mild.

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Pfizer’s lower amount of mRNA per dose does appear to correlate to lower immune response (not significant against the ancestral variant, but significant against Delta and Omicron) as well as a lower rate of undesired effects. Note that the half-dose Moderna booster is still a larger dose of mRNA than the Pfizer dose.

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All 3 of us received two shots of Moderna (0.5 ml) earlier in the year and had booster shots (0.25 ml) last week.

My husband and daughter also got flu shots at the same time with their booster shots. I deferred and will have a flu shot two weeks later.

My D was tired later that day and went to bed early. She felt better the next day. My husband was tired that day, shivered that night and had slight fever the next day. He was still tired the next day. I had a sore arm for 24 hours. Nothing else.

We had no problem finding appointments when we did. It probably was because we booked them a day before Omicron was in the news.

Our friends told us later that they had to get up at 4 - 5 am to find available appointments. We are in MA and used the state website.

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Maine is holding quite a few mass vaccination clinics. My daughter got her booster shot this afternoon. She said the line was long but it moved quickly. She was impressed with the operation.


Got mine last night. Had an appointment for 11pm, showed up there around 10.15 and they were perfectly fine giving it to me then. Don’t know who had the earlier appointments at this store - there was no one else there!

So far, just a slightly sore arm. Keeping fingers crossed.

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So I decided to buy some at home tests for Christmas so we could make sure we are safe for my 86 year old immunocompromised mother. Walmart said they had them at my local store for pick up this afternoon. Great! I ordered them. Well they just notified me that they don’t have them after all and I can have them shipped to my home for free. Ok, so I switch to shipping. Then they tell me they will arrive by Dec 28. So much for that idea.

If you haven’t already, try Walgreens. All the Walgreens near me usually have the BinaxNow in stock and available for online order/pickup. That may not be the case near you, but it’s worth trying.

Nothing at Walgreens or CVS. I tried those first.

I have been looking for Binax Now forever, probably 20 different stores in CT and MA. Finally scored a 2 pack at a Walgreens yesterday. Although I am double vaxed and boosted, I am saving the tests for meeting my grandson, due in 10 days.

Will the Binax pick up the Omicron?

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I was able to pick sone BianaxNod from Sam’s earlier (last month. Not sure if it’s still in stock.

I still have 7 more quick tests for the holidays, though we used a few for thanksgiving and after our kids arrived from plane trips.

considering three of my older kids were all in NYC this past week - and one is still there - i am going out right now looking for those strips. UGH. want this all over with.


Moderna booster yesterday. Same reaction, fever, chills, body aches, as shot 2 but lasted half as as long.


Abbot says it will: