Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Does anyone have an idea or heard when we can get a 2nd booster?

5-6 months after your third

Got my booster yesterday mid-day. Booster brain is kicking in. Everything is moving in ssslllooowww motion. So I’m just hanging on the couch with hgtv in the background pretending I’m listening/watching but I’m not. Same reaction I had for the initial vaccine.

Do you know for certain if places are allowed to give you a 4th shot?

I spent almost a year living in a camper van with a portable toilet. I’m not in a big hurry to do it again!

No I think it will depend on the pharmacist. People are getting them though. I don’t think it would hurt to try.

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I will listen to the med professionals—they all got their booster around when I did—September. Will also send text to my lung doc for guidance.

I really do not understand the value of adding a fourth shot
of the same stuff. So are we really going to be doing this every 3 months?

Sounds like the law of diminishing returns. And there is so much we are NOT tracking.

Let’s get a simple place where home testers can report positive results
and I mean a CENTRAL place. Come one guys
we have Silicon Valley
 they could do this over a weekend with a case of beer and/or Mountain Dew.

How many people are getting reinfected? If we’d tracked home tests with a central repository for responses we could actually get some answers. Make one of the questions 'have you tested positive for covid in the past 20 months?

Let’s clearly and simply separate those hospitalized with covid vs because of covid. Again, not that hard.

Instead, it seems like ‘go get another booster’ is a simple refrain which requires little actual data
hey the antibodies jump afterwards
SO WHAT? What does it mean.

We’ve been at/in this for 22 months
where is the will collect data on a grand arse big scale
and make some sense out of it all. Even as the landscape keeps changing.


I would be fine with getting a vaccine every three months if that ends up being recommended. I think it took me a total of 45 minutes to get the booster, from the time I left my house until I returned. I spend more time getting the oil in my car changed.


It’s in Israel. Our public health officials don’t seem interested in collecting their own data.


For real.

The value is a fivefold boost in antibodies.

If you don’t want yours, more for me, but stay away from immunocompromised people. They’re having a very miserable time of it and now CDC’s thrown them under the bus.

The law of diminishing returns means something else. This is working less well because it’s a different virus than the one the vax was designed for. That’s how fights against pathogens go. They evolve, we catch up. Trust me, you’re glad about that.


Thank you, those articles look promising!

Are we trying to come up with different vaccines for the new variants or continue with the current vaccines. My consideration about getting the 4th booster is what if they come up with a different vaccine soon after I get my fourth one in Feb.

The US Army is currently developing a vaccine that hopefully would address current and future variants equally.

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That’s great news. The article didn’t say when it will be ready.

No, it didn’t. They have to go through their testing phase. Hopefully it goes well and quickly.

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Take what you can get when you can get it. This is not the time to be choosy.

There are no guarantees in pharma. My dad’s got a rare disease. Over a span of years, saw a promising drug candidate go from trial to trial while the companies were swallowed by bigger and bigger fish. Watched it vanish and resurface. Watched it get orphan drug status. Watched it get to Phase 3 when too ill to participate in the trial. Watched it come through with flying colors, go into manufacture
and watched manufacturing problems shut it down and nix FDA approval, halt everything for at least six months, watched the pharma decline to do anything further with it just now.

If you need protection now, take what you can get. I’m actually running the odds now on a dental visit tomorrow. I’ll probably go. It’s unlikely things will be less risky, all told, for another two months or so, and who knows what will be then – except that the temp in my mouth will be beyond done and probably some decay will have set in. If I’d gotten boosted later, if I’d gotten a different booster – you can’t know what’s impossible to know ahead of time. Play it as it lays.

for the immune compromised they have this now .Evusheld Evusheld