Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Cases and percent positivity going up here, too…percent positivity now over 10%. The family event in NYS is in July – trying to figure when to get our boosters. Maybe in a few weeks, so at least we’ll be only 2 months out from them when we travel?

I’m MMP, and trying to figure out if I get P or M this time. I’m tending towards getting another P to make it MMPP, but I don’t know. Aren’t they still finding that Moderna is longer-lasting, even with the 1/2 dose booster?

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This is the study I am in - these are results from the younger volunteers. Looks promising!


I am also MMP, going for M on Monday. I ive in Brooklyn, NYC, and work as a therapist seeing some clients in the office. It just seems like reports are that M is stronger, despite the smaller dose. But of course it’s an arbitrary decision. I believe I may be in the minority of Americans who have escaped infection so far. I am old (73) and I’d like to keep it that way if possible.


The half dose Moderna still has more mRNA than the Pfizer dose.

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You are in the UK and had the AstraZeneca vaccine before getting boosted with the study vaccine? That is what the press release says of the study.

We’re almost exactly one month out from our trip. We figured it takes two weeks to be effective, then lasts at its best for roughly two months, if I’ve read reports correctly. That will cover our whole two week trip and then some. The next major trip we have is in the beginning of August, but we could prowl around visiting the kids between the two.

And yes, we’re going with a second Moderna because it seems to hold a wee bit better.

We’ve never had Covid that we know of, so hoping to keep it that way or give our bodies as best a chance with it as possible.

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I think you tagged the wrong person. I am in the US. Had PPP before the study.

The page you linked says that it was “in healthy adults ≥60 years (n=20 at two dose levels) who previously received two doses of AstraZeneca’s first-generation COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222 (Vaxzevria).”

Or do you mean that you are in a different segment of the study of the same vaccine candidate from the segment whose results were given in the press release?

Here’s the title of our trial: A Phase 1 Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Immunogenicity, and
Reactogenicity of Heterologous and Homologous Chimpanzee
Adenovirus and Self-Amplifying mRNA Prime-Boost Prophylactic
Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 in Healthy Adults (DMID #20-0034

I just pulled up a link to gritstone’s research. Apparently not the right one. Sorry to confuse. I tried to attach the pdf of our release but it didn’t work.

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Our study attaches a T cell epitope to either the mRNA (that’s what I got) or the adenovirus vector (like j&j) to cause a self amplifying antibody response to hopefully any variant.

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Maybe this is the right press release? . Might not be the right one, apologies. The first US trial was in younger adults. We are the phase 1 trial for older adults.

CTG Labs - NCBI ?

No, these medicines are still in the experimental phase. There’s just not enough existing data to show that they do what they’re intended.

Just got second booster. Moderna, Moderna, Pfizer, Moderna.

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My D was forced to get a booster to participate in an event this past weekend, even though she is initially vaccinated and had Covid in December for the 2nd time. (first time fall of 2020)
She is now on her way to the ER with a dibilating headache like none she has ever had. She is 23.

What really irks me is that event was for teens and she was a hired counselor. They required all the teens to be boosted as well. I dont think attendance was what it was in the past, and this event was mostly outdoors, except when sleeping.

Will wait and see if coincedence or something else.

Our boosters went well. H only had a slightly sore arm. By evening and the next day my arm was sore, and on the next day I had a slight headache and some fatigue for the first half. I actually wondered if I had caught something from a Walmart trip Friday. By evening everything was back to normal - even the arm - so I think it was just mild side effects.

We’re as set as we can be. FIL will be getting his booster this week he said. What worries me more is he also said he fell three times this past weekend while out hunting turkey. I’m really, really glad he’s not out in the woods alone unable to get up.

With his weight loss and falling a bit more than before… it’s worrisome. He’s really looking forward to the train trip, so I hope he stays healthy enough for it. He said he’s done hunting for the year, so that should help. At least two of the falls were somewhat due to the terrain.

This alone may be something she should be concerned about. If she had both infection and vaccination previously, she should have the strongest possible immune response, but it was not enough for her to avoid getting infected again. If her immune system is weaker than average, she may need to be more careful to avoid future infections (regardless of future vaccinations).

Got the original infection Nov 2020
She got vaccinated march/april 2021. Got covid during the omicron wave in December. (like many others who were vaccinated and prevously infected). It was just a slight cold.

Just got boosted last week because “she had to”.

No indication why she got that headache. She went to Urgent care and they said if it happens again to then go to ER. Could it be a side affect of the vaccine, who knows. I am not sure if she got P or M. (her initial shots were M)

I assume she had the booster some time ago if she participated in the event this past weekend? How long ago? And why would you think this headache is due to the booster vs anything else that happened between then and now, esp if she didn’t have it closer to getting the booster?

Otherwise, I agree with you that I don’t think boosters need to be mandated for youngsters (<30 or 40), esp if they also had Covid. I don’t even think they’re eligible for the second one, are they? (Unless they have medical reasons to get it, of course.)