Anyone gotten a booster shot?

nearly all airplanes have HEPA filters which are excellent. Much bigger risk of transmission in the terminal.

Pro tip: when flying, fully open the air vent above your seat so it blasts on your face. That way, filtered air is always in your next breath.


I got my 2nd booster yesterday, so Iā€™m MMPP (shot in left arm, left arm, right arm, right arm). Arm is sore (maybe a bit less than the other three times). I woke up last night 15 hours post-shot and felt achy, so I took a Tylenol. I will probably take at least one more today. ETA: Napped yesterday, but didnā€™t have to take another Tylenol.

Still pretty sick from shot yesterday. PPPM.

Checked those anti-bodies againā€¦

PPP - Boosted once mid December. Been checking my own levels via Quest labs test.

  • Pre -booster - low level at #2.0
  • three weeks post - #150
  • six weeks post #150
  • three and a half months post - #131
  • and now over 6 months post - still at #110

No need for a booster. Certainly not for a booster to protect against a now vanished variant.


I was able to schedule an appointment for the bivalent booster shot for my elderly parent. I feel relieved.


Thank you for sharing your numbers. I always find them interesting.

How far out was your pre-booster test from your last vaccine?

H and I have our appointments for the new vaccine next Friday afternoon. This is a week before we leave on our Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona road trip with my parents. Our last vaccine was a booster in November 2021. H and I both had original Omicron in January 2022. I made our appointments for Friday afternoon so we have the weekend to recover if we are not feeling well.


Had the bivalent Moderna booster thurs pm. No ill effects whatsoever. (ignoring slightly achy ankle bcos I think I twisted it stepping into a hole.) Did not do the 4th vas (2nd booster); my previous 3rd vax was a year ago (Sep-21).

All Moderna.


Has new booster thurs . Last booster was nov 21. Starting yesterday on and off until late today I felt like i had a hangover. Took tylenol multple times. Also sore arm is finally fading. Last time i had chills for 3/4 hours a day later.


I had my new booster yesterday. Sore arm for 24 hours, like the prior shots.

Got the new booster Wednesday. Still had a sore arm for a few days and a sore armpit for a couple of days. No hangover symptoms like I had with previous shots. My fourth booster was 5 months ago.

My sister and her husband had their booster yesterday. They had no symptoms other than a sore arm. She said her arm is not as sore as previous shots. My sister recommends drinking a lot of water before and after.
I am gettin mine tomorrow. Hoping for mild reactionsā€¦

I had a booster yesterday. My arm was a little sore, and I had a fever at night. I didnā€™t have a fever with the other 4 Pfizer vaccines. I feel fine today.

H got his yesterday (Mx5)-no reaction but a sore arm. I got mine this afternoon (Px3, Mx2), along with the flu vaccine. To the best of our knowledge we have not had COVID thus far. Hoping it kicks in before planned travel in a few weeks.

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I got Covid the week of 7/24. Is it too early for the booster? D2 is getting married mid October and I DO NOT want to be sick that week!

Considerations for your fall booster - by Katelyn Jetelina recommends the following:

This is based on some research that suggest that a booster does not really do much good within the first two months of infection (during which your antibodies are still high). Note that boosting less than two months after the last vaccine dose is not recommended, probably for a similar reason. Perhaps, for this vaccine scheduling purpose, it may be worth considering an infection as similar to a ā€œboosterā€.

Note that Regeneron COVID-19 Dashboard suggests that late July in the US had mostly Omicron BA.5, similar to now. Assuming that you are also vaccinated*, that probably means that you are well protected against current circulating viruses that are mostly Omicron BA.5. Of course, the variants of the day may differ in late September and early October, which may influence your decision on when to get a booster (though a booster with Omicron BA.5 may not be as effective against a new variant that may appear).

*Vaccination + infection tends to result in the strongest immune response against future infection, although there are some people who have poor immune response even with this combination in their history.

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I had a 4th booster in mid July, and my kiddo is in a musical theater performance in December. They wear masks during rehearsals, but itā€™s a 40+ person chorus rehearsing every week (plus 7 hour rehearsals every other weekend) and this is by far the highest risk activity weā€™ve done in this Covid era. (Iā€™m a 100% single parent with risk factors so weā€™ve masked indoors this whole time and knock wood havenā€™t had Covid).

He had his 3rd booster in November of 2021, and my current plan (based on Katelyn Jetlinaā€™s articles) is to have both of us get the bivalent booster mid November so that itā€™s going strong for December, in time for tech week and the performances. While he would qualify for his booster right now, I am timing his for mid-November so that the highest level of protection will be present during the month when his activities will be the highest risk.

Until then weā€™ll continue to mask indoors with KN95s, and the kids eat lunch outside at school (and they keep all the windows open at school plus fans). Knock wood those mitigation measures will hold through til our planned booster date.

I had my last booster in early May. I had my bivalent booster at the four month mark last Friday. I had a very sore arm and mild joint/muscle achiness.
I have a family funeral to attend in less than two weeks. There will be lots of hugging and crying.
My medical advisors suggested I get Moderna this time. My other four doses were Pfizer.

@blueberriesforsal I wonder if he could have his a little earlier. It seems protection from vaccines lasts a few months (I get my antibodies checked in a studyā€¦just had my 3 month testā€¦will post results). It sounds like current rehearsals are far from risk-free, ditto classrooms. I get it though.

If I were you Iā€™d get the booster the the first few days in October. Itā€™s early but for the wedding itā€™s worth it.

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