Anyone gotten a booster shot?

Stroke like side effects for me. Lost all control of the right side of my body. . Brother had stroke like side effects with permanent neuropathies. Mother had a stroke after her booster. I’m done.

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A genetic cause?

You should definitely be done. All the more reason though why others should be vaccinated - to protect those few who can’t be like you.


I and spouse both received teh first booster last Sept and as of now, have no plans for a 2nd (or 3rd boost).

As of today I have now had 4 M’s. Bad headache after the first shot and dead arm and light fever after the second (went away quickly). No reaction to the first booster and so far very little reaction to this shot other than a slightly sore arm.

Glad to have the protection because I’m traveling next week and would like to feel a little more protected when we go out to dinner.

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Which vaccine manufacturer did you and your brother and mother have?

@compmom I had Moderna for first 2 shots (sore arm, a little fatigue), then Pfizer first booster and Moderna second booster. No reaction whatsoever to either booster.

I believe my mother and brother had Moderna. I had Pfizer.

I have no idea. Maybe genetically we just don’t like the MRNA. Others in the family did fine.

There is still the J&J vaccine. It seems to be now officially discouraged for most, but if you have a medical reason not to get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, you may be among the exceptions. But there seems to be no indication that a version for new variants is in the works. And then there is the Novavax vaccine that seems to be just around the corner all the time.

So much for vaccine diversity in the US.

Thanks for sharing your experience! I had MMP, and am trying to decide whether to go back to M for my 2nd booster or stick with another P booster. (I had the common side-effects after my 2nd Moderna of chills, probably slight fever, exhausted the day after, Moderna rash.)

So here’s my update:

12 hrs after yesterday’s shot (4th M), I started to feel body aches, chills and fatigue. So I went to sleep. When I woke up this morning I felt fine except for a slightly sore arm. I’m taking Tylenol for the arm and going about my day as usual.

I’m about 48 hrs out from receiving my second booster shot, all Pfizer. As before, the arm that received the injection was completely fine for about the first 12 hrs. Then I noticed some soreness in the upper arm before going to bed, but it was very mild. On the second day, I would rank it as more sore but still not to any level where I’d consider a pain reliever. Today my arm feels fine unless I press on it…guess I won’t do that. Lol.

I’m very happy I got the second booster shot. I chose to get it because it’s been about 6 months since my first booster and we’re attending a commencement ceremony 3 weeks from the second booster.

Also, I recommend drinking lots of water and moving the arm around a lot after receiving the shot. I do believe it helps.

I wasn’t going to get booster either but then France required it so I had to for vacation travel.

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We are going to the beach for a week with the kids and grand kids in 2 weeks. As we will be there along with a million other people, husband and I went ahead and got our second boosters this past week, so they would have time to kick in. Our GDs are too young to be vaccinated, so these were for us, as well as the girls.

Both of use had all Moderna for our vaccines, and neither of us have every had an issues other than a mild sore arm for a couple of days. I did have a slight headache the next morning with this booster and one other time, but that may not have been vaccine related.

Of the 6 adults and 2 toddlers going, as far as we know, none of us have had Covid. I would like to keep it that way!


I just had my second booster. I had three Pfizer and went with Moderna for my 4th. I was surprised that the 0.25mg dose of the Moderna booster was lower than the Pfizer 0.3. How did I forget that? It was a tough last minute decision.

As I have written, I am in a Johns Hopkins study for chronic illness and antibodies. My antibodies were approx. 1,000 six months after my second shot, and approx. 6,000 six months after my third shot. I’ll let you know how I do with this 4th, that is Moderna versus the 3 Pfizers. I test at two weeks, one month, three months, 6 months, a year.


See here:

I haven’t read this entire thread but have been following it off and on.

I’ve had MMM, and after the last two was bedridden for three days. Fever, chills, joint pain, headache, the works.

Mostly because of that, I’m waffling on whether to get a fourth shot, and if so, when. I’m eligible per CDC guidelines, but not in any higher risk group (that I’m aware of). Rates are rising in my area, but my life arrangement right now involves minimal interaction with unvaccinated people. I will go for P if/when I do it, for variety and in hopes of lesser side affects. Don’t relish the idea of essentially experiencing the flu for the third time in a year.

I have a friend who’s pushing the fourth shot: “I’d do it even if I got really sick–better than Covid”. (She herself has had nothing more than a sore arm. :wink:). But she also has a real fear of getting extremely ill from Covid, and I’m not sure I share that fear. It comes down to personal risk tolerance.

Meantime I’m keeping an eye on the situation. We’ll see.

Thanks. There was another chart that threw me off.

It appears that both the 0.25ml and 0.5 ml shots have 50mcg of mRNA, half of the original 100mcg.

12 days out from my 4th shot (all Moderna) and now I’m really glad I got it. Yesterday I flew on an airplane and it was packed. 60% were masked. I was masked but my seat mate wasn’t. And the trip was practically doubled by flight delays and the amount of time we spent on the tarmac. I may get Covid anyway, but I definitely think the booster gave me better odds.