Anyone know how to get Xbox live to work?

<p>Anyone know how to get Xbox live to work? Mine isn't working, I wanna play some Madden online.</p>

<p>Just like a normal computer, you need to get the Mac address and register it in MyUM. Here are instructions to get the Mac address for an XBOX: [</a> | Connect to Live - Find Your Console’s MAC Address](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>How do you register your Mac address on my UM? Like what section of the site? I know how to get my Mac address I just don’t know how to register it on my UM.</p>

<p>I tried responding to your PM but it didn’t work, so I’ll respond basically on here. Could you give me detailed instructions of how to get it working? It says my MTU is too low and it needs to be 1364 or higher, but I called xbox live support and they said I’d need to go to my network admin to do that and I’d imagine there’s a reason this is so difficult and they wouldn’t want to help me, so what should I do?</p>

<p>Hey, sorry for taking so long to get back to you.</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the MTU question. Did you get the Mac address thing set up? I’ll ask around to see if I know anyone who got an xbox to work. I just have my PS3 working.</p>

<p>you should consult your tech department(network admin).</p>

<p>I figured it out so if anyone else needs to know I’m happy to explain it.</p>

<p>hotpotato would you mind explaining it to me
I can get the WiFi working but its so unreliable i want to get the Ethernet working for some cod next week</p>