Anyone mind reading my roomate essay?

<p>I would really appreciate if it someone would read and give me feedback on my roomate essay. If you would like to, please email me at <a href=""></a>.</p>

<p>I can give you feedback and edit your essay if you would like me to. I applied Early action to stanford, so im done! I understand if you don’t want me to read it since i applied this year. If you do, you can PM me and send it, or I will send you my e-mail address, since we can’t post it on threads, it starts with finals1324, and you can send me your essay.<br>
Anyway, Good Luck!</p>

<p>sure PM it</p>

<p>i can take a look</p>

<p>i can take a look if you still need. submitted app 11:40 couple days ago</p>