<p>Or was I the only one who was raised exclusively on times-tables music?</p>
<p>I love rabbits
They have peculiar habits
That they are cute there's really no denying
But darn those idgits
They must really know their digits,
'cause they're masters at the art of multiplying!</p>
<p>They've got a santacore
That tells them 2 x 2 is 4,
2 x 3 will always equal 6
And you can calculate
That 2 x 4 will equal 8
Bunnies really know arithmetic!</p>
<p>They know that 2 x 5 is 10,
2 x 6 is 12,
That 2 x 7 is 14,
Now you can do it yourself!</p>
<p>Two eights are 16,
2 x 9 is 18,
We can keep on going so much higher...
And 2 x 10 is 20,
And I really think that's plenty
For a funny little bunny multiplier!</p>
<p>Here is the number three now,
To use as your guide,
I know that you can see how
To learn to divide
Take a three, divide it into six, you know it's true
That the proper solution to the problem is two!</p>
<p>Let us continue further, I'll try to go slow
You mustn't get in a furor, let's see what you know
What do you find
When you take three into nine?
Three goes into nine...
Three times!</p>
<p>Take your three, three goes into twelve
It isn't such a difficult chore,
You must discover, one way or another
That the answer to the problem is four</p>
<p>And now we'll try to divide by three
The number fifteen
This can be pretty tricky, as hard as it seems,
Concentrate, concentrate, and you'll be surprised
When you come up with the answer that's right
(insert the next line here)
Show me it's no surprise
That the answer is five</p>
<p>I can post more if you want. It's really sad that I still remember all the lyrics :)</p>