Anyone seeing Transformers, then grabbing ACT scores?

<p>I am :)
10 char</p>

<p>transformers got terrible reviews, have fun though</p>

<p>lol, cool idea. It sounds very blissful. I have to work tommorrow and I have Pre-AP Studying to do, so I am not doing anything like going to a movie. :frowning: However, I will certainly stay up to see my scores. :)</p>

<p>I wish. Scores are going to be delayed and I’m not going to the midnight showing tonight. I’d check my scores on my phone in the theatre though. lol</p>

<p>It did get bad reviews, but I think I will like it. The reviews complain of headache-causing noise throughout the movie (metal hitting metal for 2 hours). Not a bad idea you got there</p>

<p>Sounds pretty fun, actually.</p>

<p>I was going to, and then I decided that I didn’t feel like going with my friends to a theater 45 minutes away.</p>

<p>I’m seeing it tomorrow. :)</p>

<p>transformers is goin to be tight(:</p>

<p>I’m ditching the midnight showing to see my scores. I’ve already gotten so much crap from my friends about it…</p>

<p>The first movie was horrible. I bet they copied the script right off the boxes the toys came in.</p>

<p>^ LOL wow…XD</p>

<p>I’m doing the same thing OP, if the scores are out. But nontheless I’m waiting on my scores and I’m seeing Transformers at midnight. Can’t wait!</p>

<p>–The reviews complain of headache-causing noise throughout the movie (metal hitting metal for 2 hours).–</p>

<p>Seriously? That’s it? Gawd, people in this country need to stop being such wusses. </p>

<p>It’s like when everyone said Cloverfield sucked because they couldn’t handle the “motion sickness”.</p>

<p>the action in transformers is just too much, very overwhelming. this is coming from a guy who loves action and is completely desensitized to any gore, violence, and terror. i see transformers 2 as being the same thing except even more action (aka less dialogue and less plot development) and more of megan fox’s skin.</p>

<p>as for the ACT, i didn’t take june, but if there was a midnight showing of something the night the april test came out, i would be there in a heartbeat.</p>

<p>edit: and yes, it currently has a 40/100 on metacritic so… meh.</p>

<p>Hey, if it’s gonna be anything like the first Transformers, it’ll be awesome. and why is Megan Fox’s skin bad? ;)</p>

<p>i personally don’t think that transformers 1 was that good. but i also didnt think slumdog deserved best picture, so some may think i have odd taste in movies. (for the record, i thought milk, doubt, and revolutionary road were better films overall, but that dark knight was the best movie of 2008).</p>

<p>and i definitely have no objections to megan fox showing skin, but it wouldn’t make the movie for me.</p>

<p>Dark Knight was a terrible movie. Transformers one was great. Slumdog and revolutionary road suck.</p>

<p>How the hell do you say Dark Knight was a terrible movie?</p>

<p>What ACT score do I need for UC Irvine? I got a 24 on my first time w/o studying. I didn’t even know the rules for the test. Since it was my first time, will I be able to boost my score up to a 29+ composite score if I study? I didn’t study the first time.</p>

<p>iverson I already told you what you needed for Irvine. And they’re not going to let you in once they find out what an annoying twerp you are.</p>