<p>Has anyone submitted an arts supplement online?
I did one for another school, but I mailed it in.
I wanted to try submitting it online through common app.
How does the whole uploading teacher recs and the 10 minute sample work?</p>
<p>i submitted mine online…for the teacher rec i just made a word document that said “arts teacher recommendation submitted with school forms.” i wouldnt suggest doing this though, i have no idea if its acceptable. for the 10 minute sample i recorded it, put it on cd, and had someone post it on my schools fine arts website… i think its at [Untitled</a> Document](<a href=“http://www.mscfinearts.com/Auditions.html]Untitled”>http://www.mscfinearts.com/Auditions.html) …submitting a cd is perfectly acceptable though i emailed them that question and they said to do whatever format is easier because they have no preference.</p>
<p>I couldn’t find any info about the art supplement on the amherst website. Anyone want to link me? Or, if you know, I plan on submitting some photography of mine, but don’t know if they want slides or a CD, anyone know?</p>
<p>Here’s the application as a pdf. It’s 25 pages. Go to page 2 for directions.</p>
<p>IMPORTANT: The supplement is MAILED & has to be in admissions by the application deadline.</p>
<p><a href=“https://www.amherst.edu/media/view/55075/original/FirstYearCompleteFINAL.pdf[/url]”>https://www.amherst.edu/media/view/55075/original/FirstYearCompleteFINAL.pdf</a></p>
<p>that isn’t true I asked if they wanted it mailed or submitted electronically and they said either is fine.</p>
<p>According to the blurb on visual art supplements, it says that at least 3 drawings must be submitted with each supplement. Is this true even if I want to submit photography? I guess it sort of makes sense that they’d want to see if we’re like balanced artists, but no other schools ask this. Anyone know?</p>
<p>My school doesn’t have a fine arts website to post it onto. Any idea what web address to post my 10 minute sample?</p>