Anyone taken Engg. 7 with Horowitz?

<p>Has anyone taken E7 with Roberto Horowitz? I'm trying to decide whether or not to take the class with him, and have got mixed reviews.</p>


<p>i’m curious about this too; there seems to be a previous thread but it didn’t really clarify whether horowitz or packard was easier.</p>

<p>Had horowitz four years ago…he’s err…not good, not terrible, maybe borderline bad. </p>

<p>Also had packard as a substitute lecturer for one day for the same class. He talks quite fast, but is a better lecturer by miles. I still remember by the end of that lecture he got an ovation from the class - he’s that much better. </p>

<p>I’d go for Packard. The curve will be more of less the same.</p>