<p>Hi! I was just wondering who would be a better professor to take E7 with. I have a heavy course load next semester so I want to figure out who gives fair tests and homework assignments. I read the rate my prof reviews for both Packard and Horowitz, but I can't come to a conclusion. Right now I'm signed up for Packard, but I read that his homework assignments are difficult. Does anyone know if for E7 both classes would get the same homework and tests since lab and discussions are mixed for the two classes?</p>
<p>From my engineering friends who took E7 in the fall, “Roberto Horowitz is the man!”</p>
<p>i can attest to calbear2012’s comment.</p>
<p>Last time I took E7 and I had the choice between Packard and Horowitz, they ended up lecturing together. Packard would lecture on some days and horowitz the other.</p>
<p>Packard is great, btw, and IMO better at teaching than Horowitz.</p>
<p>hmm…I guess it doesn’t matter who you sign up for because when I took E7, it was Horowitz and Frenklach lecturing together.</p>
<p>Thanks for all your replies! So does that also mean that both classes get the same homework assignments and tests? I noticed that both lecture sections were in the same final exam group.</p>