<p>Hey is anyone taking general chem this year? If anyone did it last year do you know if you need advance algebra as my school does algebra in 9th grade then geometry in 10th and then trig/advanced algebra in 11th</p>
<p>no, but im rr5001. Nice to meet ya!</p>
I will be doing gen chem this summer. </p>
<p>The professor has put up a worksheet that has all the math you need to know. So you may want to look at that. THe only problem area would probably be logarithms, but thats only after the 3rd week of the course, so oyu can ask someone to tutor you. Or use YouTube videos, that’s what I’m doing. </p>
<p>Also, are you in the facebook group for SSP Students?</p>
<p>nah I’m not in the Facebook group but I’m learning logs now. From what you heard/seen what do you think about the class?</p>