Anything at all?

<p>I note this is empty. Anyone have anything to say about Simon's Rock?</p>

<p>Anything at all? What is the "scene" like? Is it hard to get in? Do the parent supplements really matter?</p>

<p>Simon's Rock is a fantastic place for the right students. It's geared towards "Young Scholars" who are looking for new challenges after 10th or 11th grade, and it provides these challenges in a stimulating setting. If you fall into that category, I highly recommend that you invetigate it further, visit the campus on a Discovery Day, and see if it is a fit. The academics are wonderful, teachers are mostly very committed, and the students are extremely bright. If students take advantage of the opportunities offered, they are extremely well prepared to transfer to another university (two thirds do this after two years) or stay and get a BA and maybe spend a year abroad. Last year, transfer students were accepted at Stanford, University of Chicago, Swarthmore, Brown, Wesleyan, Cornell, Barnard, Bard, and many others. Having said that, it is not for everyone, as young students are afforded a lot of freedom which can occasionally lead to problems. If you have specific questions, please feel free to send me a message.</p>

<p>They sent geek_son some literature last year, and again this year. Since most adults who interact with him seem to agree that college would be a better fit for him than high school, I looked the place up. The Web site didn't give me a very good picture of it, so I did a more general search.</p>

<p>Based on the student comments I read here -- <a href="http://www.students*"&gt;www.students*;/a> (remove the asterisk between students and review to visit the filtered URL) -- geek_son definitely won't be applying. The academics sound limiting; the political climate sounds dogmatic; and the social atmosphere sounds like high school, only with students who have more trouble getting along and more opportunities to get into trouble.</p>

<p>Geek Mom:</p>

<p>I am sorry you have such a negative perception of Simon's Rock. I could not get through to link you provided, so I do not know what you are referring to in your comments. I can only answer from my own experience. And that would indicate that the academics are superb and challenging; the political climate is open and engaging (though with a liberal bent); the social atmosphere is not at all like high school; and the students are some of the most engaging and intelligent I have ever encountered.</p>

<p>I would suggest that if you want to form your own opinion, you visit the school and decide for yourself. It is definitely not for everyone. I daresay that no college is perfect for everyone. But in my opinion there are numerous positives about Simon's Rock which deserve praise. It may not be the right place for your son, but it is an excellent option for many others.</p>