<p>I am a student in what is called "Advanced Biology" at my school. I have done exceptionally well all year, so I figured I'd try the AP test. After looking at some AP materials, I have come to the conclusion that it is WAY beyond what I learned in the class. Is there any way that I can prepare for the AP Bio test in a month?</p>
<p>I feel like I'm in the same boat. Even though we covered most of what we need to know I still feel so unprepared. I've just bought Barron's flash cards and five steps to a five. good luck to you.</p>
<p>Yes, get CliffsAP biology. It's the (probably) most widely used and acclaimed book for AP biology; I know tons of students who have simply studied that and gotten a 5. It's very concise, very organized, very helpful. If there's one thing that'll get you a 5 despite your lack of real preparation, the CliffsAP book would be it. See Amazon for reviews of it.</p>
<p>I didn't really pay attention in class at all....now I'm grabbing a CLiffs AP Bio.</p>
<p>So...if I study thoroughly on CLiff's AP Bio, it should be more than enough to get a 5? Does it serve as a supplement for preparing for the exam or can it serve as the primary study source?</p>
<p>I'm using CliffsAP 5 Practice AP Bio exam to review.</p>
<p>If you're going to cram in a few weeks, its not going to work lol. There is way too much material to cover in a short amount of time, hell, our ap bio book has 59 chapters.</p>
<p>Maybe study for AP Bio over the summer and next spring break, then take it next year.</p>
<p>So I am bumping this thread also. Many are cramming or getting ready to take this AP Bio. I noticed most that take the test are Jrs. and Srs. In our County it is the 9th grade, if you can believe it?</p>
<p>My D took the AP Bio test in 9th grade; our school -- not the whole county -- encourages gifted/honors kids coming out of middle school to go right into the AP science curriculum (BIO 9th, CHEM 10TH, PHYSICS 11TH). We allowed DD to take 9th grade AP Bio because my background is a master's in bio education <g>, and I knew I could tutor her through depending on how difficult it was. We ended up with a teacher who had never taught AP Bio, and the class was a joke when it came to preparation, especially as the kids didn't have the 9th grade bio background. Too many kids refused to do the prep work for class (i.e. the reading, as they'd never had to study before: remember gifted/honors kids), so the teacher allowed the kids to dictate the speed of the class. One minute, slow as molasses ... the next warp speed through 5 chapters in a weekend preparing for a quiz, as she'd realize how far behind they'd gotten -- and don't let me get started on a whole week of class time devoted to one lab. The class was a nightmare. </g></p>
<p>Silver lining, she pulled a 5 on the AP exam ... in fact, beat her brother, a junior at another high school (rezoning issues). He got a 4. (made her day ... LOL) Difference ... he didn't study a lick for the exam ... except 2 hours review with me beforehand, but he'd had the 9th grade bio basics from an excellent teacher. We made her take the honors chem this year before she takes the AP chem next year. School's not happy with us, as she does so well ... and they wanted her to follow "their way." I wanted her to be better prepared because she's mostly like going into a science field. </p>