@moony1972 I don’t remember my teacher going in depth with the endocrine system. Is that a big problem?
Thanks @mooney1972. Will definitely check out that website
@AnniiT No it’s not. The endocrine system releases hormones. It is an example of long distance cell communication.
Hey, guys, quick question. Is human physiology a large part of the exam? It’s a pretty big section in Barron’s, but I’m really running out of time to study and just want to focus on what’s most important. Is it worth reading and studying? Thanks!
@CGlynn you just made me feel a lot better. on essays i think i just need to answer all of them and put an answer down no matter what and hopefully i will get 70-75 on it.
Also take time to study what goes in and what goes out of every reaction in cellular respiration? running low on time
@Ludkis Yea my review book (CliffNotes) says anything from a weighted score of 60 to 100 is a 5, but I doubt that and think it is probably more like 70-100. 51/69 on Grid-Ins/MC plus 30/40 on FRQs gives you a raw score of 75, so you have some room to spare too.
@motivatedjunior No it’s not. We have instinct and learned traits. That’s all you need to know
@Ludkis Yes, but not the exact numbers. Just know the equation and know that respiration and photosynthesis make a cycle. Know that photosynthesis helped create the free O2 in the air
@moony1972 Thanks! I meant physiology, though, not psychology. Are organ systems a big part of the test?
Formula sheets will be given just know how to apply them. Everyone don’t spend your time remembering the formulas.
Can someone explain the relationship between calcium and action potentials?
Are we supposed to know the order that blood circulates through the body? Like the specific details like semilunar valve & the superior and inferior vena cava?
@motivatedjunior Oh! Just the nervous and the muscle system from that chapter
would a 48/69 on MC and 38/41 on FRQ be a strong 5
@awkplatypus I think so
Everyone don’t forget to know the steroid and peptide hormones. Remember that steroid hormones bind to a receptor inside the nucleus because they can go through the plasma membrane. Once it binds to a receptor in a nucleus it it can trigger a specific cell response. Same thing with peptide hormones, but outside of membrane it binds to a receptor and then it has to call a second messenger such as cAMP, which then allows it to carry out a cellular signal.
Would a 40/69 and a 25/41 be a low 4?
Also, do you guys recommend taking the practice Barrons test? I took the first and it was definitely pretty hard but have not taken the second. Best use of time or should I just keep on reading info in barons
How much of an issue is timing on the multiple choice?