****AP BIOLOGY - POST-exam discussion*****

<p>You guys just made me really happy by reading what you all wrote for these questions! I think I’m going to get a couple of 10’s on these FRQ’s!</p>

<p>That makes complete sense now! Thanks a lot for your help uni.</p>

<p>Admittedly I feel very silly right now :P</p>

<p>^ four for you glen coco!</p>

<p>Soooo, is anyone positive they nailed 1 c?</p>

<p>I’m sure mifune is positive. :D</p>

<p>^^^ HAHA four for you glen coco lmao! That’s my favorite movie :smiley:
I can quote it lmao!
but yeah I feel confident about this too! I think I might have lost like 2 points after reading a few answers…BUT I feel like I may not have haha I wrote like 2 pages with bunches of detail about what I thought and it was biologically relevant and hopefully correct hahaha
so I’m still confident I made over 25 on the FRQ
it all depends on the MC…I just need a 4 haha</p>

<p>Does anyone have a good explanation for number 4?</p>

<p>Haha, pesky collegeboard. I was going so fast that I expected the F1 generation cross for cross III to be a dihybrid; instead, they made it AaBb x aabb, which screws your reasoning completely over if you thought it was AaBb x AaBb…but points may still be earned if you said the results deviated from expected ratios and gave some reason such as linked genes/crossing over, mutation, or whatever</p>

<p>For 3b, if you showed the correct work like AABB x aabb -> AaBb –> AaBb x aabb</p>

<p>do you still get points if your explanation was wrong?</p>

<p>Form B looks bad… I got to the last part of #1 with the Rf value, and I thanked the lord. I would not have been able to do the majority of that…</p>

<p>i hope i got a 5</p>

<p>^ sciencefrenchie- yeah. form B = not pretty ;D</p>

<p>lol anyone know when the college board post the free response scoring guidelines for this exam?</p>

<p>The word is that they’re posted in the Summer, perhaps around the time when our scores are mailed.</p>


<p>During AP english and AP biology, I had to sit next to the same person (it was alphebetical)</p>

<p>and I could have sword I saw him copy off of me! I did my best to conceal my answers, but I literally saw him look over… I didn’t know what to do.</p>

<p>Are all the AP tests the same? in the same order? I’m just hoping all of the tests are different so that he doesn’t get an unfair advantage from me.
Does anybody know?</p>

<p>^ I’m pretty sure the only tests for which they have different forms are Calculus, US, and maybe one other…</p>

<p>Edit: I guess you wouldn’t call them “forms”; “versions” might be a better word.</p>

<p>I don’t see the difficulty in COMPLETELY covering your answers… Use your test booklet to cover each answer on your answer sheet as you go along. People may think you’re a lose for being so protective, but at least you know you won’t risk getting your scores canceled for any involvement in cheating.</p>

<p>Just before the test, did we put which form we were taking? I dont remember doing this…</p>

<p>Yes, you were supposed to. But I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.</p>

<p>uhh…a little late response:)
MC-75+ hopefully, 3 blank
FR4-5/10 </p>

<p>If the bell curve is low this year, I could get a low 5.</p>

<p>I felt like most of the information I learned this year was pointless on the actual exam. This was my first AP test, so I had NO idea how time constraining it was going to be. 1 hour and a half flew by SO FAST >>
I started panicking because I had 40 more to go and I had 30 minutes to finish.
In all honesty, I would have done so much better if:

  1. I’d have gotten more time
  2. there weren’t so many paragraphs to read
  3. There were a good amount of fact recall questions (WHICH THERE WERE NONE OF)
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed, though… hopefully if the national averages are devastatingly low, the College Board will change their minds and switch back to the old system (which won’t matter for us, anyway).
    Fingers crossed! I really hope I got a 3…</p>