@atopti Oh jeez…it’s gonna be a bit hard to remember, so bear with me here.
A lot of the multiple choice dealt with early biological origins as well as social interactions. I remember these set of questions where you were provided with an experiment (something like studying bird singing patterns), and you had to answer the questions pertaining to that experiment. The questions dealt with topics like lab procedural stuff, commensalism, mutualism, etc.
Stanley Miller’s experiment was on there. Tons of DNA/RNA, cell respiration, transcription/translation. I can’t remember everything off the top of my head as I took it almost a year ago
Just review everything like I said before. You do not know what they can put on the test, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. A week is a good enough time to get everything in, with a good-enough knowledge base.
@mg29409 My teacher is barely prepping us for the actual exam. Most of the year she’s been using the questions from the Campbell’s quiz site. The memorization part of it is easy for me but when you said that you have to connect between different topics, I freaked out. My teacher didn’t even finish animal development and she expects us to get a 5. LIKE WHAT? So my question is that do you need to know the small experiments like the Stanley Miller one you mentioned (I don’t even know what was his experiment) and do you know any websites (except for Bozeman Science) that would help us for the exam?
I took the 2013 AP as a mock and got a 54/58 on the MC and a 35/41 on the FRQ. All I can say is that the MC didn’t really need me to memorize anything. It was mostly just common sense and logic. Most of the questions were based on graphs so all you had to do was analyze it and interpret the data. There was a question about the endocrine system and it literally gave you a whole diagram of how all these hormones worked and which glands they worked on so that was a super easy answer. FRQ was more about concept application but you don’t need to go too in depth.
@thewhovian Yes I did. Unlike the AP Exam, you do need to know plants and taxonomy for the Bio Subject test. The subject test is more detail and memorization heavy whereas the AP test is more application and conceptual knowledge.
If you have the CollegeBoard released subject test book filled with 1 real exam per subject, you will see plant-related questions on that practice exam. They like to test knowledge of specific plant parts and what they do (ex: apical meristem).
@Fouzia Word of mouth tells me that there won’t be questions on plant structure (besides photosynthesis and respiration). If I were you, I would read over the chapter in my review book on it.
@Fouzia I took the AP Bio exam last year, and there weren’t a whole lot of questions (besides a section of one short FRQ) that related to plant structure. Personally, I recommend focusing your studying on evolutionary/ form & function/ genetics topics, as I remember the test bursting at the seams with questions on those subjects.
@realtwinkie I would be interested in joining that I am scheduled to take AP biology this upcoming school year. I was going to try to study over the summer though.
How important is the Ecology topic on the Ap bio test? (For example do we have to know specifics like the ocean layers and bottom up and top down model?)