I know that it is early, but here we go! I’m self-studying this exam and hopefully it will be easy (that’s what I’ve heard). Good luck to all of us :)!
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I got Myer’s textbook and planning to get the Princeton Review for the exam! Hopefully that will be helpful!
I might take Psychology next year
You should. I heard that it is definitely one of the easiest ap classes 
This class is definitely going to be fun. I’m already excited for it. What review books are recommended?
@SoSophistic I heard that Barron’s is a great prep book for it. I was going to get the Princeton review but heard that Barron’s is a better prep book
I plan on self studying AP Pysch. Is this realistic? Any recommendations for textbooks, and review books?
@MrAustere I’m using Myer’s AP textbook and barron’s as a prep book.
which textbook from myers? i am confused because there are 11 editions and 2 lines of textbooks! Will you please send me a link to the exact textbook? THANKS! @athenanv13
5 steps to a five is perfect! I self-studidied and use only this and it was perfect. literally covered the exam!
I’m self-studying too! I plan on getting either 5 steps to a 5 or Princeton review. I heard that Barron’s had way more information that needed. Both my sister and I are self-studying this exam together.
@Rylee0021 definitely use 5 steps, I made it extremely manageable and to get 75% of the material covered the weekend before the ap exam!
@2016seniorga Okay I’ll probably use that then! My library also has an AP psychology Princeton review book that I will probably use on the side too.
hey, I am planning to self study. I am going to get Barrons
I’m taking this class next year! I’m looking forward to it. 
Took psych this past year and got a five! The biggest part of this exam is vocabulary. Quizlet is your friend, and even if you don’t get a review book, those Barron’s flashcards are a great investment. If your teacher allows it, make sure to review old tests before the AP exam. Good luck (:
I took the AP psych exam this past year too. For someone who is not considered “smart” and kind of “slow” I was able to get a 5! I didn’t use any of the test prep companies like Barron’s, I used the study guide packet (the ones we get for midterms) from class.and took two practice tests (One in class and one at home).And yes I agree vocab is a BIG part. And the class is so interesting, especially when you start learning about abnormal psych. You’ll enjoy learning about Freud. Good luck, and have fun!!! BTW I am sure you can self study this class.