AP Calc YAY or NAY

<p>I am a highschool junior thinking about taking calc next year. Our school offers Calc AB which covers the first two sections of college calc and Calc BC which covers the second two and is harder. My friend who is very smart is taking BC and is struggling a lot. Should I take AB next year and get a better grade or go for BC?</p>

<p>AP Calculus BC, the way I see it, is a joke. Then again, I’m in Mu Alpha Theta, so I’m biased. xD</p>

<p>it’s a very challenging but worthwhile class, especially if you love math. i also have an amazing teacher, so that’s another incentive for taking it (i had him the year before and wanted to have another class with him).
it also depends on how much you’re willing to work. if you want a good grade without too much effort, go for AB. if not, and you want the learning, challenge yourself with BC.</p>

<p>AB YAY</p>

<p>Taking AB next year because BC is like legit redic in my school.</p>

<p>What are you thinking you might major in at college? If a math/science, try BC if you think you can handle it. By now, you might be aware that for really good math students, some of this comes almost naturally, even at the calculus level. My S spent three times as much time doing his AP Euro homework than he did for AP Calc BC and AP Spanish combined (and got a 4, 5, 5 respectively on the AP exams, and B+/A-, A/A. A/A for grades.) He was also taking Honors Chemistry, Honors English and Water Polo/Swim Team at the time. </p>

<p>At my S’s HS, AB students outnumber BC students about 3-1. However, if last year is any indication, the BC students are well prepared. All except one got a 5 on the AP exam, and the outlier got a 4. </p>

<p>Also, consider what other classes you might be taking. Since you’ll be a senior, you’l be heavy into making college applications in the fall.</p>