AP Calculus BC necessary?

Very long story short, I’m thinking of dropping this class second semester of my senior year. It’s just way too much and has me on the brink of a mental breakdown every two weeks. How important is this class for a student looking to major in cognitive science? Since I’ve met my a-g requirements without this class is it absolutely necessary that I keep it? Also, what if I were to drop it but take the ap exam and pass? I know that seems counterintuitive but the class itself is what stresses me out and I’m just trying to explore all options

If you can take the exam yourself and score well enough, then you’re good to go.

AP Calc BC is strongly preferred, especially for those going into the sciences. That being said, it’d be extremely silly to get a bad grade and/or untenable stress levels for its sake. As noted above, as long as you can demonstrate your proficiency, you’ll be fine. Just do the AP test: all the benefit, less of the struggle.

If you drop it, you should immediately inform the colleges that you applied to of the drop. Otherwise, your admission may be rescinded in the summer when your final high school transcript reveals that you dropped an in-progress course without telling them.

Do not drop a planned course without consulting UC, I believe you acceptance in conditional that you finish it.

Thanks for all the replies! I know that I would have to immediately inform the UCs of any change, but I decided to schedule a meeting with my teacher and counselor before I make any official decisions. Most likely I’ll just keep it and endure the stress for a few more months.