AP Chem!!

<p>What's the best book/site for AP Chem stuff?</p>

<p>Sometimes I would be doing HW and i am stuck...so i need help but i cant ask my teacher all the time.</p>


<p>From what I’ve heard on this website, Princeton Review is the best review book. Also, common textbooks used are Brown/Lemay or Zumdahl. My teacher also recommended a review book/study book: [DS</a> Marketing](<a href=“http://www.dsmarketing.com/books_chemistry.html]DS”>http://www.dsmarketing.com/books_chemistry.html)</p>

<p>yeah i use zumdahl…4th edition black cover with four circular things</p>

<p>Princeton Review’s really awesome, but it’s better for reviewing than teaching. </p>

<p>I suggest to go to a used book store and find a really cheap general chemistry textbook. Since basic chemistry hasn’t changed much (or at all) in the past 10 years, so an old book can still be really useful. I bought one and it was only a dollar. It helps you to understand the things that your textbook doesn’t explain well.</p>

<p>princeton review is very good for review. just don’t use arco.</p>

<p>i would use brown just because it has the clearest explanations. princeton review is really good though for very very quick review. nice to have the day before the ap :)</p>

<p>the barron book is a little…too extensive… arches into usnco material :\ (and if ur studying for that…opt for atkins heh)</p>