AP Comp Sci AB

<p>Hi CC</p>

<p>I know I keep making these threads about AP Computer Science...and now, I'm taking a Introduction to C++ class in my local college. I'm getting a a C++ Programming book for free (C++</a> Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, 4th Edition (Paperback)), but I know that the APCS A(B) exam is in Java, so I was wondering if I studied that, plus a review book, it would be enough.</p>

<p>I know Java is part of C++, but are they that similar?
Or maybe I could simply take AP Comp Sci A, but it's the last year that AB is offered...and I'm a junior, so it's the last year colleges check out what APs we've taken. :/</p>


<p>I mean, I could take AP Spanish Language instead...but that wouldn't look tough, since I'm Hispanic.</p>

<p>They are similar - object-oriented programming carries the same principles and large ideas. However, the APCS exams are notorious for testing in nitpicky syntax items (which is why they’ve earned a bit of criticism in the past year). The way methods are set up, the ways you can declare variables, the way inheritance/encapsulation/blah works in Java is essentially the same IDEA as in C++, but the problem is you need to know the exact syntax in JAVA. I would recommend just going out and getting a Java book, and working through some exercises in both languages. That being said, if you have C++ AND Java background, you should do spectacularly. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Right. You would have to put in some effort to learn the differences in syntax between Java and C++. I would say C++ is tougher to learn, so Java should be a welcome relief. Pick up a book to study for the CS exam, and you should be fine. Know that the APCS exam, especially the AB exam, also tests knowledge of sorting algorithms and simple Big-Oh runtime analysis.</p>

<p>Luckily, a lot of the programming style from C++ carries over to Java. Every statement ends in a semicolon, classes are called class, etc. Since you are taking an Introduction to C++ course, however, you may not touch on a lot of object-oriented programming with C++. Therefore, it is important to invest a month or two carefully learning Java. This is actually a good thing, because OOP syntax in C++ is completely different from that in Java, and because of differences in implementation (C++ supports multiple inheritance, Java doesn’t).</p>

<p>Definitely go for it though, and good luck =)</p>

<p>^ (just felt the need to mention: ewww, sorting algorithms)</p>