AP computer science dillema

Hi guys,

I’m a senior right now and I applied to several uc’s for computer science. I am taking ap comp sci right now and i got a C-last semester, and second semester started recently, and I’m scared that I won’t be able to get a C this semester. I know that if I work hard I can probably get a C, but I know i cant risk getting a D. I’m pretty confident that I can get into UCI, UCSD, UCSB for computer science. I was thinking to drop the AP Comp Sci but I know that the UC’s can still rescind me if I get accepted for dropping out. I called a couple of them and they said that they would just have to evaluate my application and make a decision based on what happens. I know that it doesn’t look good to drop out of AP comp sci and majoring in comp sci, but I know that looks better then getting a D in the class. What should I do/What would you guys do if you were in my situation?

I would talk to your teacher about what you can do to get a C. Maybe a hard extra credit assignment or office hours will help you get your grades up. Your teachers all went into teaching to help kids, and they want to do their best to help you get into school.

But more over, it’s not just getting in. If you’re struggling in AP Comp Sci there is no way you’ll survive a UC. This content is going to come back at you at a much faster speed than you have in APCS - and even a C in a lower division class might bar you from continuing in the major. So even if you do get in, you may not be allowed to be a CS major.