AP Credit for Nursing Prerequisites

Can getting a 3 on AP Statisitcs and a 5 on AP Psychology be acceptable for nursing perquisites for transfers at the following schools:


Thanks for your help!


There are 8 prerequisites for transfer students that have to be completed prior to admission including the only Stats class. I would check with admissions to see if AP stats qualifies for transfer students. The website doesn’t list it.

Once admitted then Intro to Psych is a degree requirement that is satisfied by your AP Psych (3 or higher)

Each university should have a website listing the minimum AP score needed to obtain credit. Just note that for some very important classes (such as bio or anatomy), it may be worth at least auditing the class, because the next class may otherwise be overwhelming.

Agree with @charliesch. My daughter passed AP Bio but will take next year anyway as a refresher.

I would say about 3/4 of my nursing interest students express a desire to go the NP route. If you think long term, a lot of graduate nursing programs want that stats course taken within 5 years of starting. So, AP stats in HS, 4 years of undergrad, (Hopefully) some years working to gain experience, and well, looks like stats would need to be retaken. Just something to think about.