AP Credit

<p>If I sent my AP scores on June 30th, when and where could I expect to view the credit online to confirm that Penn has my scores?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>When? No idea.
Where? I don’t know of all the places, but if you log onto Penn InTouch and make an academic planning worksheet (for any major), on the right side of the screen they will show up.</p>

<p>Edit: So far, only the ones through my junoir year show up; I don’t think senoir year scores are out yet. And not all APs count for credit. Double check on the website.</p>

<p>your transcript on penn intouch</p>

<p>As of this morning my son’s AP credits from this year’s tests were on his transcript at Penn InTouch. Don’t know if everyone’s shows up at the same time.</p>

<p>It shows credits but not what you got on the test.</p>

<p>@homerj Did your son rush report his scores because mine are still not showing under “University Transcript” in Penn in Touch via normal reporting?</p>



<p>He did normal reporting. Only course credit is showing up, not actual scores, so if your score wasn’t high enough to get credit (5 in most cases), or you took a test that Penn doesn’t give credit for, you won’t see it. Also, I don’t know if everyone’s scores are processed at the same time. BTW, my son got his scores in the mail today as well.</p>

<p>We live in California and S got his scores yesterday.</p>

<p>I received my scores by mail today that were sent to Penn. Has anyone else had their AP credits not show up in Penn in Touch yet? I was wondering if Penn has not finished updating transcripts for credits.</p>

<p>ivyhopeful - maybe they aren’t showing up because you didn’t get a good enough score to get credit or get a waiver from a class. What were your scores?</p>

<p>I got over 10 5’s and the scores were definitely high enough for credit.</p>

<p>Whew. Thats good to know because i’m still waiting to get my scores. I was worried that I got all 4s since nothing showed up on Penn Intouch.</p>


Wow. That’s impressive!!!</p>

<p>I called Penn, they haven’t finished updating Penn InTouch yet for AP scores. If you haven’t got your AP scores in the mail and are curious, you can always call your high school’s registrar; that’s what I did. High schools have the grades now.</p>