<p>I'm wondering: does Tufts accept AP credits as credits towards graduation or is it more for "advanced placement". Like, if I go into Tufts with the following APs: </p>
<p>I don’t know the answer but I bet if you spend a few quality minutes on the Tufts website you can answer your questions with the information they provide.</p>
<p>I think most of those let you both skip classes and get credit towards a degree/graduating. You need to have 4s/5s on your exams, though. And I don’t know how it effects early graduation, but if you get all 5’s then those might add up to a year’s worth of credits.</p>
<p>Here’s the link to what you’re looking for. As Seashore said, it’s still up for discussion, so keep an eye out for any changes, but this should help for now. </p>
<p>There is a residency requirement at Tufts, so that students must be enrolled for 8
semesters at Tufts or in abroad programs. Students may petition out of
this residency requirement with a combination of A.P. credits and Tufts
summer session credits. Five A.P./summer session credits count for one
semester; nine A.P./summer session credits count for one year. They don’t recommend accelerating more than one semester, but I guess it is possible. Either way, you still have to get permission.</p>
<p>Do keep in mind, as others have said, that they are definitely discussing the AP credit policy and if they come to some sort of agreement, the proposed changes could possibly effect the Class of 2013.</p>
<p>Academic departments are requested to give their input at the end of this Spring, so I would imagine any changes would take effect for Fall '10.</p>
<p>Does anyone know how the full IB diploma is treated at Tufts, in terms of advanced placement and/or credits? I intend to spend some time checking this out on the Tufts website, but if anyone knows right off, I thank you in advance!</p>