<p>In order to take the SAT Subject Biology Test (the environmental section), could you only just take AP Environmental Science and get a good score with it? I did take regular biology during my freshman year, but I did not take AP Biology since I did not have any room in my schedule.</p>
<p>I think you have a misunderstanding on the difference between the E and M in the Biology Subject Test.</p>
<p>E stands for Ecology, not “environmental”.</p>
<p>The material in AP envsci includes many random facts and talks about the environment in a context that doesn’t explain or delve into the biological systems and processes of the ecosystem.</p>
<p>So no. AP envsci will not significantly help you on the SAT bio subject test. I suggest you just get Barron’s or PR SAT Biology Subject test and read/practice from it.</p>
<p>Next time, post this in the AP or SAT Subject test forum. </p>
<p>I almost feel tempted to say this is a ■■■■■, Sep 2009 and doesn’t know difference between E and M in SAT biology? LOL.</p>
<p>Have fun studying. -_-</p>
<p>For you, Biology E is probably easier; but you will definitely need a good review book for the exam. The first 60 questions can pretty much be about anything while E will focus primarily on larger evolution and ecology.</p>
<p>Ok, thanks!</p>