AP Latin Vergil?

<p>I was just wondering, for the AP Latin Vergil Exam, if you just memorize all the lines, would you be able to get a five?</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAHA, try memorizing 1800 lines! I’m a fourth year Latin student taking AP Vergil but I won’t be taking the actual exam since it does not do me any good.<br>
First off, you can’t memorize all of the lines. Secondly, why would you want to? The whole point is to UNDERSTAND and INTERPRET the Latin, not to regurgitate it. So no, memorizing all of the lines will not assure you a five, but it would give you a better chance at one. You still need to know Latin to do well (especially with multiple choice where it asks you about grammar). I took the AP Latin Literature test last year and epically failed… so I know how hard the tests can be.</p>