*** AP Physics 2 2015-2016 Thread ***

Sorry if there’s already a thread (didn’t see any).

How’s everyone doing in the class so far? Any tips on how to prepare for the AP exam? I’m thinking of buying AP Physics 2 prep books on Amazon, but can anyone tell me which book is better?

Princeton: http://www.amazon.com/Cracking-Physics-Edition-College-Preparation/dp/1101882077
5 steps: http://www.amazon.com/Steps-Physics-Algebra-based-Placement-Examinations/dp/0071836276/ref=sr_1_6?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1451044415&sr=1-6&keywords=physics+2

Took AP Physics 1 last year. The class was alright, but my teach did not prep me enough for the exam. He was using Physics B prepartions.

There is:
Closing this one.