For my senior I have to choose between either Ap physics or Ap Bio since I already took Ap Chem last year. I am currently in Ap Physics one (the easier course) and I don’t really enjoy it because my teacher does not know how to teach ( he’s an engineer with a bad teaching degree). I am going to major in chemistry in college and might go into either pharmacy or chemical engineering most likely based on what I choose next year. Should I take physics even though the teachers aren’t that great, but it would look better for more selective schools or should I take bio, which I would probably do better in but has a rep in my school that it’s for “dumb people who don’t want a career in science”?
Look at some colleges that you are possibly interested in and see what the curriculum for a chemistry major is. Does it include Physics? Bio? I would take which ever one you might end up having to take in college. Either you will be awesome and maybe place out of physics, or you will be prepared when you take it again.
AP Bio is pretty rigorous and I would not think it for dumb people.