<p>I DID. :)
Read most of the book last wkend.</p>
<p>self studied! I wrote 4 pages for the first essay, it was so easy. 5 baby!</p>
<p>hey...when they said definitions don't score???
well i wrote a bunch of definitions. will they take pts away from that?! also, i wrote examples of course. but they should not take pts away for having a correct definition there... :(</p>
<p>I thought that the exam was fair, my textbook, Weiten, was so thorough that there were few things on the exam that I didn't recognize. And about the FRQ's, hah. For the first one, there were two theories that I'd never covered, but for the rest, I just used the imagination that I'm known for. I really hadn't studied the second one that in-depth (at all) and I cursed myself for not having done so.</p>
<p>nmo they wont take points away for definitions but u only get points for giving examples</p>
<p>It was fun. I loved how the first frq left so much room for creativity.</p>
<p>I agree that MC was almost exactly like the practice tests, I finished 20 min early and only guessed on 4.
It was kind of hard to apply all the terms for 1 and my hand hurt horribly after I finished
I was so relieved when I saw FR2, we just had a speaker with that disease and spent a couple of days talking about it.:)</p>
<p>MC wasn't too bad...I only marked down 20 or so as "being unsure" of, but I think I got 15 wrong at worst. That would be, what, an 81?</p>
<p>On FRQ 2, I made the same mistake as Musikalgeak. But I'm going to guess I got around an 6 or 7 on the first one depending on the grader's interpretation. The other one a 4 or 5. So at worst, a 10 out of 18...</p>
<p>So based on my estimates, I got a 5. :) Yeahhh, I feel good...</p>
<p>I find that the first free-response was much longer than the second. It literally took me 40 minutes to do the first, but I successfully managed to complete the second in ten minutes.</p>
<p>On FRQ 2, I said the right answer (for the one muskalgeak is talking about)... but I also said something wrong which wasn't explicitly asked for in the question. So, I tried to explain too much and said something wrong. Do I get the point?</p>
<p>Also, the Barrons curve is 93 for a 5 while 5 steps says it's 100... what's more accurate??? (please say Barrons)</p>
<p>you never get points taken off. you can only earn points.
The only time this isnt the case is if u contradict urself</p>
<p>Yes that is true, but sometimes, on AP Calc, you can get points off on the FRQ. For example, if they ask you to list some specific points, you get a point deducted for every wrong answer or answer more than they asked. This is to prevent guessing all the points. lol.</p>
<p>It seems like I'm alone on this, but I hated the first FRQ. It was too vague and random.</p>
<p>I got so many stupid MC questions wrong. I didn't know anything about biology urgh. I really wish I had taken more MC...</p>
<p>when I first opened the FRQ I totally panicked. I think in the end I did okay though, although I wish I had focused on the topic a lot more...</p>
<p>I guess thats what I got for studying the night before.</p>
<p>Btw, whats a 5? 100/150?</p>
<p>first FR was stupid and the second was pretty simple aside from me wording some concepts in ways that are going to jeopardize my points. ehhh I'll do fine anyway.</p>
<p>is it possible to take the ap psych exam if i cancel my scores immediately and then take the exam again next year? I didn't really study for it [out of all of my AP's] and I really want to take it next year..........possible?</p>
<p>so was each bullet point worth like 2 points?</p>
<p>I bet it was worth one point for each item... they usually multiply it by a number though... to get 25. For example, if one of the two questions has 8 items, theyd multiply by 3.125 to get 25 points total for that one question.</p>
<p>The MC was really easy IMO, skipped three I think. Missed maybe 10-15</p>
<p>FR1, I flew through, about 2 pages
FR2, I studied a lot and plus my Psych teachers brother has (topic of FR2) so my teacher talked about it a lot.</p>
so was each bullet point worth like 2 points?
<p>Depends on the point. If it's something like, "Explain __<strong><em>," you'd only get one point, but if it was something like, "Give two examples of _</em></strong>_," you'd get 2 points.</p>