<p>There arent any half points for APs are there?</p>
<p>Who Said The Exams Easy?
I Hate Ellie.</p>
<p>And there was one thing on FRQ1 that was NOT on Barron's..
I was like......damn, I should've gotten a textbook</p>
<p>The MC was really easy, i left like 4 blank. The FRQ was good too, though #2 i kinda Bsed some of the parts lol</p>
<p>is it bad if i got up to number 89 and didnt finish, i thought i did perfect though, but i also skipped like 5 from the 1-89, i really hope it didnt hurt my score. im the kind of person in which the only time i put an answer is if i know it for sure. oh and frq's-aced them.</p>
<p>I think there was too much time to write both of them. I finished the FRQs about 20 minutes early. I did the first one in less than 20 minutes, and the other one in about 15 minutes.</p>
<p>did anyone leave more than ten blank? and how does this affect score if i missed 7 and left say 13 blank</p>
<p>I kind of BS'ed #1. Number #2 was replete with examples (cuz I actually read the friggen' article on Wikipedia - as well as the drugs associated to treat it). </p>
Has anyone noticed that most people who take the class are girls? Like, my testing room had 3 boys to lots of girls. Apparently they were all in the same class (I'm a self-studier)</p>
<p>i should have read the stupid article of wikipedia. i did AFTER i got home haha. sdfkalkd.</p>
<p>anyways, yeaa, well i think a lot more girls are interested in psychology. after all, according to my textbook, every 2 of 3 psychologists are female.</p>
<p>We've said it several times in several threads but in case you aren't clear....</p>
<p>There will be NO discussion of MC questions at all, and NO discussing of FR questions until at least 48 hours after the exam. You read the rules, and we expect you to follow them.</p>
<p>Anyone discussing questions will have their posting privileges suspended.</p>
<p>Moderator Amistad</p>
I Hate Ellie.
<p>With a burning passion.</p>
<p>Aw, c'mon guys. I'm sure Ellie isn't that bad a person. If anything, I'm sure she's open to new friends. XD</p>
<p>I feel pretty good about this exam. The essay was all right. When I read FRQ #2 I kinda "yelled" "YES!."</p>
<p>Yeah, I agree. The points in the second question were much more closely related. I even found myself including two points in one paragraph by accident, which hasn't happened to me with any of the previous practice FRQs that I've done. With the first question, however, the answers were not that closely related, and it took quite a while to explain/define everthing and provide an example.</p>
<p>Has it been officially 48 hours yet?</p>
<p>I think so...it's 2:00 in the west</p>
<p>Yeah the questions are posted on AP Central now.</p>
<p>On #1, what did you guys put for regression and circadian rhythm?</p>
<p>For regression mine was pretty weak, I just said that if she happened to be using that defense mechanism the others might perceive her as childish and wouldn't want to hang around her. </p>
<p>For circadian rhythm I said if she moved from a long distance jet lag could alter her arousal level and she might doze off while somebody was giving a speech or something, which could negatively affect the others' opinions of her.</p>
<p>I don't think either of those are exactly the best answers. :/ The other's I'm pretty sure about, though, especially all of #2.</p>
<p>I just have a question. Should I take AP Psych if I plan to major Business?</p>
<p>There's no real reason to. I mean, if you're trying to gain insight as to how the human mind works in order to manipulate people, you can abandon all hope now. The entire course is just compilations of disagreeing arguments, and you are constantly reminded that everything taught is just some guy's theory - nobody knows exactly how the mind works, and there are so many theories it's just ridiculous.</p>
<p>But it's an easy 5.</p>
<p>can we talk about it now?</p>
<p>Yeah CB posted the FRQs on AP central.</p>