<p>I am a rising senior, and I'm shooting for either UPenn or Cornell Early Decision. I have a very rigorous course load and all of the other components for admissions etc. </p>
<p>My main dilemma is whether to take AP Bio or AP Psych. I really prefer Psych over Bio, but I am worried that Psych will not look as rigorous and could infringe on my chances. Will taking Psych over Bio impact anything? </p>
<p>Please let me know your opinions!!!</p>
<p>I don’t think it will, as long as it’s AP it’s rigorous, regardless of the subject! Besides, people always do better when they like what you’re studying, so if you prefer psych you’d probably get a better gpa out of it anyway :)</p>
<p>Unless you want to major in something bio-related in college I don’t think it’s even necessary at all! :)</p>
<p>Froma2z123 -</p>
<p>Absolutely not! Do not pick a class because it’ll look better. That AP label is all you need to show the difficulty of your course load. </p>
<p>Psych is a great class and so is Bio, so just take what you enjoy and excell in it. That’s what’s important!</p>
<p>Thanks, guys. My guidance counselor seems to disagree, but I just tell her I don’t care haha. Does anyone disagree?</p>
<p>I’m sure no one will haha
People can say what they want, and it’s not always in your best interests
Maybe ask your gc why she disagrees, if she gives you a reason like ‘it doesn’t look as good as bio’ then you know that you can ignore what she thinks, if she has another reason though, it might be worth considering :)</p>
<p>It all depends on what you’re majoring in. If it’s science related, you definitely want to take Bio to show that you really do have a passion for science. And what are you trying to emphasize on your application? If you are emphasizing science or research, you probably should take Bio. </p>
<p>Otherwise, it’s a matter of taste. Look at what courses you need to take towards your major and which credits they will accept. It would be disappointing to see that an AP credit doesn’t transfer or wouldn’t count towards your degree. For my school at least, Bio transfers and Psych doesn’t.</p>
<p>This might help you choose:</p>
<p>[AP</a> Classes - The Ivy Coach](<a href=“http://theivycoach.com/the-ivy-coach-blog/tag/ap-classes/]AP”>AP Classes | Ivy Coach)</p>