<p>Hey... I'm a sophomore in high school, and was wondering if i was ready for ap classes next year... can i get your opinions? I got a selection index of 167 on my PSAT (51 Reading, 61 Math, 55 Writing).Am I aiming too high? Am I ready for AP Classes? Thanks...
GPA: 3.8333
HPA: 4.1418
Rank: 0004/0142</p>
<p>Sophomore Courses (all As except for math, with Bs there)<br>
English II Honors<br>
Pre-Calculus (Honors)<br>
Chemistry I Honors<br>
Physics I Honors<br>
Anatomy & Physiology Honors<br>
American History Honors<br>
Health Unit Coordinator 3 (Honors)<br>
Spanish III </p>
<p>Possible Junior Courses:
AP English Language & Composition
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP US Government/Politics
AP Comparative Government/Politics
AP Macroeconmics
AP Microeconomics
AP Spanish Language & Composition</p>
<p>No, you will not be able to handle that many AP classes your junior year if you didn't take an AP class Sophomore year, realistically speaking. You have a better chance of jumping off a cliff and surviving; since, the jump in course rigor is intense even with a couple of AP's.</p>
<p>The best way to find out if you are ready: Ask your current teachers. At most schools, there's "vertical teaming" within departments, meaning that, for example, your English II teacher has probably worked with the English III AP teacher in the past and will be able to tell you if he/she thinks you are ready for AP level work. Ask your teachers if they think you will be able to handle AP level coursework. And if you havn't taken any AP classes to date, don't jump in over your head. Only take as many AP classes as you think you can handle.</p>
<p>AP ab calc is a good class to take, because pretty much no matter what you want to major in in college, they want you to have taken a math class somewhere along the way. if it's a full year at your high school, that's twice as long as you'd get to cover it in college. ap chemistry is a really tough course, so you might want to factor that in when making your decision. the others are relatively easy here. I'd say you could get away with 4 (counting macro+micro as one, and the govs as one) if you don't do chem, 3 if you do do chem.</p>
<p>in my school taking 4-5+ AP's (out of 7 classes) a year isn't that crazy...</p>
<p>i agree with the person a couple post above me, ask your teacher's, they'll be a big help...and also, think about what kind of student you are and make the decision</p>