AP recommends students take fewer AP classes

This thread has been very interesting. When I was in high school I took almost all of the APs that were taught. Every science, history and English, and German. One year I doubled up AP Bio and AP Chem. My mother was also a university professor at a top 100 university so I took some summer school there before my senior year in HS, but the AP credit largely helped me graduate from college in 2.5 years, and I actually changed my major the semester before I graduated mainly because I realized I was close to a double major, and couldn’t get the upper level classes to finish in my intended one, but could get the hours on the secondary one. I ended up 3 hours short of the double major, but it certainly wasn’t worth paying for another semester of college, and I was able to start law school immediately. So AP credit definitely helped me save significant money on my education.

D24 goes to a very small Catholic college prep high school for girls. By small I mean her graduating class has 70 students. There’s a fair number of APs available for such a small school and D has taken many, but while she does fine at science and math it is not her thing, so she opted to take the honors version of the classes. He school weights the honors courses the same as AP, though I don’t know how AOs would weight the relative rigor. She took one AP as a sophomore and got a 5, and took 2 as a Junior, and is taking 4-5 next year (English, Gov/Econ, Statistics, Seminar (new to her school this year) and Psych (also new, but they didn’t have it listed when she registered and she’s on the wait list, but she wants to major in Psych so I told her it’s probably better if she took that at her college anyway. I guess I am just very happy that her small school liberally offers an Honors versions of core classes.