AP Science?

<p>Science is my least favorite subject by a long shot, but I know I should be taking an AP science senior year to be competitive for the colleges I want to apply to. Does anybody have any opinions on which AP science I should take, considering that I'm not a science person? Maybe physics since I like math, maybe bio since it's probably the most interesting to me, or maybe enviro because it might be easier? Thanks.</p>

<p>If Bio is the most interesting to you, then you have already made your decision in a way. Psychology is more social science than natural science, though it has biology topics on it. You might want to consider it.</p>

<p>Well out of the science subjects, bio seems like the best fit. Even if you don’t like science per se, its more of just how well you memorize tons of information rather than problem solving like chemistry or physics. Although chem and physics use math, if you are not a science person, I would stay away.</p>

<p>ok, thanks guys</p>

<p>personally, i vote environmental science.
It is quite easy and a lot of fun too :slight_smile:
Taking chem in senior year is not one of the smarter things I have done.</p>

<p>Not a science person? I would recommend Env. Sci. It’s least “science-y” out of all four types of AP sciences, and mostly common sense. </p>

<p>Bio is a bunch of memorization, and some topics are related to chemistry.
Chemistry is pretty math heavy, and some of the conceptual stuffs are just odd and weird.
Physics B/C is math all the way.</p>

<p>How about Comp Sci? They have level A at my school. It might be more like math than like science, which will work for me.</p>

<p>Next year, only the Comp Sci A test will be administered (no more AB). It’s like math and problem solving. Comp Sci A is a joke if it’s a 1 year course cause it doesn’t cover much.</p>

<p>In cases like these I’d just say opt for Bio, since you’ll get a lot out of it, with having to work too and not look like you’re totally slacking off with AP Environmental Science.</p>

<p>ok thanks guys</p>

<p>Definitely don’t do AP Environmental Science- meadow is exactly right, it will look like you’re slacking off. Take AP Bio for the aforementioned reasons above.</p>