<p>new message!</p>
<p>I just got my daughter's scores. She got 5s in all 3 subjects that she took.</p>
<p>Call now!!</p>
<p>Scores are UP!</p>
<p>Chem - 5
Literature - 4
Calculus BC - 5 (ab sub 5)
Euro - 4
Us Gov - 4
Comp Gov - 3</p>
<p>They're Up! I thought we'd make a fresh thread for them.</p>
<p>Mine are:</p>
<p>AP Literature 4
Physics B 5
Calculus AB 5
Statistics 5</p>
<p>Ahhhhhh :d</p>
<p>Nooo, I Have To Wait Til My Mom Gets Home. Ahhhh</p>
<p>YEP, THEY'RE UP! not kidding.
AP Calc BC - 5
AP Calc AB Subscore -5
AP French - 5
AP US Hist - 5
AP Chem - 5
<p>Bio - 5 :]
Eng Lit - 3 :[
Calc BC - 5 :]
AB subscore - 5 :]</p>
<p>APUSH- 5
Chem- 5
Bio- 5
Lang- 5
Macro- 5
Micro- 5
PhysB- 5</p>
<p>I'm calling right now.</p>
<p>Okay. I'm thrilled.</p>
<p>Latin Literature: 5 (I was soooo worried about my 680 subj test)
Spanish Language: 4</p>
<p>thank god they finally came in.....</p>
<p>AP World= 3 (Didnt study)</p>
<p>AP Euro= 5 (Incredibly Happy)</p>
<p>Im pretty happy with my grades considering these were my first ap's of high school</p>
AP USH - 5
AP Calc AB - 4
AP Eng. Lang - 4 </p>
AP USH - 5
AP Calc AB - 5<br>
AP Eng. Lang - 3 ... ahh why?! i thought my essays were well written and my MC was decent.. darn</p>
<p>did ya'll call or recieve them in the mail?</p>
<p>Bio: 5
Environmental Science: 4
US Gov: 4
Comparative Gov: 5
Calc BC/AP subscore: 5/5
Music and subscores: 5/5/5
Stats: 5</p>
<p>APUSH from last year: 5</p>
<p>ok nvm i called but ive forgotten my ap number so i guess ill just wait for the mail...</p>
<p>Isn't there a way to get your score without having your AP number?</p>
<p>the recorded message said it needed social, ap number, date of birth and credit card</p>
<p>You need EITHER the AP code or the SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, and month and day of birth (not year) plus a credit card.</p>
<p>My son got
Envir, science 5, LANG 5, Psych 5, US History 5</p>
<p>It's worth the $8</p>
<p>are scores only available via phone? if so, when are the scores going to be posted up online?</p>