AP Scores 2008 - Post Your Exam Score Here

<p>Evil Spanish Language broke my string of 5s for high school :(</p>

<p>So pretty much
Chemistry 5
Calculus BC/ AB subscore 5/5
U.S.History 5
Spanish 3
English Lang - Late testing, so I have no clue - 5 hopefully, though I did do well on Lit last year
Micro 5
Macro 5
English Lit. 5
Physics B 5
Biology 5
Calculus AB 5
World His. 5
Statistics 5</p>

<p>Not to mention SAT II thoroughly depressed me as well Got a combination of 2360- I wanted all 800s</p>

<p>AP Pwnage</p>


<p>AP United States History = 5
AP English Language and Composition = 5
AP Calculus BC = 5
AP European History = 5
AP Music Theory = 5
AP Spanish Language = 5</p>

<p>I was SO worried about the last two, but now I'm not! :)</p>


<p>AP Biology = 5
AP Chemistry = 5
AP World History = 5</p>

<p>AP Chemistry: 5
AP European History: 5
AP Calculus AB: 4</p>

AP US History: 5</p>

<p>Do we need to spend more $ to send these scores to college for our credits?</p>

<p>It might be helpful to know which scores people got were from self study.</p>

AP Biology= 5</p>

AP Chemistry= 5
AP English Language= 5
AP Music Theory= 5 (5 on both subscores)
AP Studio Art (drawing)= 4</p>

AP Calculus BC= 5 (AB Subscore=5)
AP Spanish Language= 5
AP Macroeconomics= 5
AP Microeconomics= 4
AP English Literature= 4
AP Physics B= 4 (I didn't manage to learn electricity or magnetism until June... oh, well)
AP Physics C Mechanics (self study)= 4</p>

<p>I'm pretty happy with my scores. If anything, I'd switch my econ scores because my college only gives econ credit for a 5 on micro.</p>

<p>Grand total: seven 5's and five 4's. I'll take it.</p>

our principal came on during the listening section of the Spanish Language, spoke for 10 minutes straight about how we were currently testing for AP exams, and our proctor refused to stop the listening. So everyone christmas treed two whole passages = 3 for me :(</p>

<p>English Lit = 3
US History = 3
Government & Politics = 3
Chemistry = 1 hahahahahahaha</p>

<p>The only score im disappointed about is the English one, because I got a 4 last year on the language and I really thought I matched that or did better this year. I knew I would bomb Chemistry.</p>

<p>can't the scores go to our universities?.....so we can go online and see our scores from the particular university....duh? dont fund collegeboard...ask ur college</p>

<p>Is it automated? I don't want to sit through the embarrassement of someone reading off awful scores.</p>

<p>yeah its automated</p>

<p>AP US History - 5
AP Chemistry - 3 (One of the first few in my school to pass it, lol)</p>

<p>OMG I'm sooooo happy.</p>

<p>Physics B - 3
English Language - 4
Calculus AB - 5</p>

<p>I thought I got a 3 on all of these exams.</p>

Chemistry: 5
Calculus BC: 5 (AB sub: 5)
English Language: 5
Latin Literature: 4 --gr--
US History: 5</p>

Biology: 5
English Literature: 5
European History: 5
Latin Vergil: 5
Statistics: 5
Physics C--Mech: 5, E&M: 5</p>


<p>im outside the US right now and when I call the international number it says the line is busy uggghhh</p>

<p>Damn says not all my scores are available. Anyone else get that?</p>

<p>if you're outside the u.s. at the moment, should you call the international number (not the toll free number)?</p>

<p>I am very ecstatic. [=</p>

<p>Biology - 5
English Language - 4
Environmental Science - 4</p>

<p>USH- 3
English Composition- 5
BC Calc- 4, Subscore- 4
Physics C Mech- 3</p>

<p>Happy with everything except US History, should i even bother sending the three's into colleges?</p>

<p>Calc AB: 5!
Stats: 5
Psych: 4</p>

<p>I was SO surprised that I got a 5 in Calc. I was praying for a 4... I'm so happy. This is incredible.</p>

<p>US History: 4
English Lit: 5</p>

<p>WOW. Calling was so worth it. I'm so excited. My grade gets bumped up in US History, and I'm just so excited to tell my English teacher!</p>


<p>Calc AB: 5
Microecon: 4
French language: N/A</p>